Dedicated Bristol activist Jeanette Jones receives prestigious RCN Award of Merit
A nurse from Bristol who has served her colleagues as a Royal College of Nursing steward since 1998 has had her dedication recognised at this year’s RCN Congress in Belfast.
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Jeanette, or ‘Nettie’ as she is better known, is her trust’s lead for Living and Working with Disability, Illness or Impairment (LAWDII). She is also the trust’s Lead Steward, President and Secretary of the RCN Bristol branch and Vice Chair of the RCN South West Board.
"Nettie is a person who gets things done,” said Lorrae Allford, RCN Council member and Chair of the RCN Trade Union Committee. “She is the person to turn to when there is a problem and she will inevitably solve it."
“I felt quite overwhelmed walking up onto that stage to receive the award," said Nettie. "It’s a lovely feeling. It’s a real privilege and I’m really grateful.”