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Congress Agenda

What’s on the agenda?

1. Fair Pay for Nursing campaign (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the successes and learning from the current Fair Pay for Nursing campaign.

2. Health care provision for refugees and those seeking asylum 
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Nursing in Justice and Forensics Forum and Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the UK government to comply with its international and legal obligations in ensuring health care provision for refugees and those seeking asylum in the UK.

3. Nursing support workers (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Nursing Support Workers Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the availability of courses and resources for nursing support workers.

4. Nursing associates (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Glasgow Branch
That this session of RCN Congress discusses the impact of and direction of the registered nursing associate role.

5. Corridor care (Matter for discussion)
CHANGED to Resolution: That this meeting of Congress asks Council to lobby the government to completely abolish corridor care and ensure that the respect and dignity of patients is upheld.
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Gloucestershire Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of corridor care upon patients and nursing staff.

6. NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Lothian and Borders Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on the RCN to withdraw from the NHS Pay Review Body.

7. Commissioners for older people (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Eastern Board 
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls upon RCN Council to lobby for a Commissioner for Older People in England and Scotland, as there are in Wales and Northern Ireland.

8. Windrush and NHS 75 (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress acknowledges 75th anniversary of the creation of the NHS and the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Windrush generation to staff the service.

9. Support for female employees (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Fertility Nursing Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby employers to ensure that female employees are supported with specific women's health and wellbeing needs such as menopause, menstruation, fertility care, pregnancy and childbirth.

10. Student nurses (Resolution)
AMENDED TO: That this meeting of RCN Congress condemns the rostering of student nurses and student midwives to cover gaps in staffing.
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Greater Glasgow Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress condemns the rostering of student nurses to cover gaps in staffing.

11. LGBTQ+ hate crime (Matter for discussion)
CHANGED to Resolution: That this meeting of RCN Congresses demands Council to support the role of nursing in supporting members of the LGBTQ+ communities who are victims of hate crime.
This resolution passed.

Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the role of nursing in supporting members of the LGBTQ+ communities who are victims of hate crime.

Emergency debate: The RCN is an anti-racist organisation (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by RCN London
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to ensure that the RCN is an anti-racist organisation. 

12. Unconscious bias (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Eastern Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how it can support and improve awareness of unconscious bias within health care.

13. Trades Union Congress (Resolution)
This resolution did not pass.
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to examine the case for the RCN to join the Trades Union Congress.

Emergency debate: Suicide prevention (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN East Sussex Branch
That this meeting of Congress calls on Council to lobby for the implementation of an evidence based, integrated suicide prevention programme for the nursing workforce across the UK.

14. Pay terms and conditions parity (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Outer North Central London Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the UK governments for minimum standards for employment terms and conditions for all nursing workforce in any organisation funded by the public purse.

15. Abortion (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Glasgow Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses abortion protest buffer zones and their potential impact.

16. Private health care (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Dumfries and Galloway Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the role of private health care in a modern health system.

Emergency debate: Dementia action (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Northumberland Tyne and Wear Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby all governments across the UK for production or review of dementia strategies

17. RCN democracy (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Lothian and Borders Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls for all members of the RCN to be given equal democratic rights within the organisation.

18. Clinical audit (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Norfolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses if clinical audit is something to be embraced or endured.

19. Cost of living (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Dumfries and Galloway Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress considers the cost of going to work.

Emergency debate: Healthcare Provision for Autistic Peoples (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Learning Disability Forum
That this meeting of Congress urges RCN Council to lobby health care providers and commissioners to mandate appropriate and sufficient provision to avoid inappropriate placement for autistic people.

20. Older health care workers (Matter for Discussion)
CHANGED to Resolution: That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby employers to ensure the welfare and occupational safety of older health care workers.
This resolution passed.

Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the welfare and occupational safety of older health care workers.

21. One Royal College, two critical functions (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Professional Nursing Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress affirms that the strength of the Royal College of Nursing comes from its dual function as a professional body and a trade union.

22. Incident reporting (Resolution)
This resolution passed.
Submitted by the RCN Norfolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to explore the culture around incident reporting and the impact that this can have.

Emergency debate: Separate Nursing Pay Spine (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the Trade Union Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the case for a separate nursing pay spine within Agenda for Change.

23. Member power (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Mental Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress considers how members can build on the undeniable power of their voices, raised collectively, to further strengthen their influence and positive public opinion.

Congress 2023 Agenda

The debate agenda at Congress is set entirely by our members. There are three types of debate:

  1. Resolutions – Members debate an issue and then vote on it. 
  2. Matters for discussion – Members debate an issue but don’t vote on it.
  3. Emergency items – Members can submit these after the agenda submission closing date. They must be on a matter or issue that has arisen since the closing date. They can be resolutions or matters for discussion.  

For more information, read the rules of Congress. 

How do debates work at Congress?

We aim to cover about seven debates each day, and 30 debates in total. We publish the running order ahead of Congress, but it may vary, for example when emergency items are added.

Each debate runs for up to 25 minutes. Timings might be amended where appropriate.

Debates run like this:

  1. The debate is proposed by a member from the branch, forum or committee that submitted it. They have five minutes to introduce it.
  2. If the debate is a resolution, it’s seconded by a member from another branch, forum or committee. Seconders speak for two minutes. 
  3. Any member who would like to speak is then invited to put forward their views on the topic. They can speak for up to two minutes.
  4. The proposer returns to close the discussion and give a ‘right to reply’ to sum up and clarify points raised.
  5. If the debate is a resolution, the voting members are asked to vote. 

Why take part in a Congress debate?

Speaking at Congress is a fantastic opportunity for you to get your voice heard. It’s crucial for a good debate that as many different views as possible are heard. It can feel daunting, but you’ll soon discover that all speakers – especially those taking the microphone for the first time – receive a very warm welcome.

More to look forward to at Congress 2023 

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Page last updated - 20/02/2024