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East Sussex

We champion local issues for RCN members working in East Sussex. Get involved with our branch today and help our work.

Your branch team

  • Chair: Gill Tanner
  • Treasurer: Anthea Richardson
  • Secretary: Yetunde Ruqoyat Lawal
  • Committee Member: Antonia Berelson
  • Committee Member (Communications Lead): Nick Donald
  • Committee Member: Jacqui Post

Join us on social media

Be the first to know about meetings and join the conversation today:

RCN East Sussex Branch Newsletter

Branch Events

  • 20th April 2023 Branch Learning Event at Old Town Community Centre, Central Avenue, Eastbourne
    Sessions to include:
    - 'Valuing nurses, valuing nursing' session - Professor Jane Ball, University of Southampton
    - 'HCSWs update' - Katherine Stevenson, NHS England
    - 'Professional Nurse Advocate Programme' - Sam Lungu, NHS England and NHS Improvement

  • 20th October 2023 Branch AGM and learning event, venue TBC - Save the date!
Another event you may be interested in:

'Managing the menopause - getting the most from midlife'

Other topics to be confirmed.

East Sussex Branch can come to your workplace to deliver this session. Dates and times flexible to suit. Contact Gill Tanner at if you are interested in arranging this for your workplace.

Page last updated - 02/03/2023