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Learning and Wellbeing Programme

Your Congress Learning and Wellbeing Programme 2023

RCN Congress 2023 will be held from Sunday 14 – Thursday 18 May as an in-person event.

The Congress Learning and Wellbeing Programme (LWP) is a dynamic line-up that brings together traditional fringe events, sponsored sessions, student and nursing support worker events, plus health and wellbeing activities. The 2023 programme is being overseen by a member-led group with representatives from across the UK.

The programme will be accessible onsite from Monday 15 – Wednesday 17 May and then recordings will be available to watch on-demand after the event. Attendees will be able to choose sessions by theme to tailor Congress to their own interests.

Remember, each event also supports CPD and can be used to contribute to revalidation.

Congress 2023 will be an in-person event and it is expected that all LWP presenters, chairs and panel members will be onsite to deliver their event. For more information, please contact

What happens next?

The deadline for submitting a Learning and Wellbeing Programme event for 2023 has now passed. Submitters will receive an email in February 2023 with the outcome of the Review Panel.

We expect to receive many more submissions than we have space for on the programme so please don’t be too disappointed if your event is not accepted. Collaborative submissions are encouraged to bring together multiple entities and create a comprehensive programme for all delegates. We give everyone feedback after the selection process has taken place.

If your event is selected, the RCN Events Team will be in touch to provide you with guidance on how to plan for your event.

Page last updated - 10/06/2023