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RCN Congress UK and International Learning and Wellbeing Programme submission form

Please complete this form if you wish to submit a proposal to host an event as part of the Learning and Wellbeing Programme (LWP) at Congress 2023 (14-18 May 2023).

Before you submit your proposal, you may want to read our guidance.

Congress 2023 will be an in-person event and this year, rather than being livestreamed, LWP sessions will be recorded so they are available to watch on demand at a time that suits individuals following the event. All LWP presenters, chairs and panel members are expected to be onsite to deliver their event. For more information, please contact

Anyone who is part of an RCN forum, board, branch, network, group, or from an RCN department/country/region office, can submit a proposal. The closing date for applications is 5pm, Monday 9 January.

Please note, only RCN “entities” can submit an event for this programme, in addition applications made on behalf of third parties by RCN “entities” are not permissible. For all other enquiries including exhibiting please contact

Submission details

The Congress 2023 themes are:

  • Clinical and practice development - education, learning, research, digital transformation
  • Leadership and management
  • Regulation, quality improvement and innovation
  • Wellbeing, mental health and self-care
  • Workforce - recruitment and retention, organising for change, safe staffing, pay, terms and conditions

Please select the RCN entities working in collaboration on this submission (working in collaboration is desirable, there is no maximum):

Please note, submissions must be RCN led, external organisations are not eligible to be the main submitting entity or to host an event.

Please let us know if you are not able to hold your event on a particular day or if, due to speaker availability at a particular time. (Please note we cannot guarantee time slots). While we try to accommodate all requests, we cannot guarantee that your preferred time and/or date will be available. We will contact all accepted submissions in February 2023 to confirm allocated time slots.

Your proposed Learning and Wellbeing Programme event

Speaker information

Please provide names and contact details, if known, and whether they are RCN members or externally invited speakers

This is to help avoid scheduling clashes

Presenters attending Congress exclusively to deliver a LWP event will be able to claim travel and accommodation expenses in line with the RCN expenses policy. This should be arranged with the Nursing Department or relevant RCN Directorate who will make the booking through the RCN’s approved travel agent.

The RCN will not pay expenses if the presenter is already funded to attend Congress, and is unable to pay for any additional AV requirements, over and above the standard package, or any other costs related to your event.

Please estimate in £ sterling costs for your proposed event including presenter travel and accommodation and expenses. Please note we are unable to pay speaker fees or honorariums and expenses are paid in line with the RCN expenses policy.

Please refer to the RCN expense policy for guidance on travel and accommodation.

By submitting this form, you are giving the RCN permission to contact you about your submission.

The information you provide in this form will be stored by the RCN.

Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please view our privacy policy to find out more about the information we collect and how it is used.

Page last updated - 23/02/2024