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Previous debates

Find out what has been debated previously at Congress

Nursing associates (Matter for Discussion)

Clinical placement hours (Resolution)

Education and development (Matter for Discussion)

Mandatory training (Matter for Discussion)

Mentors (Matter for Discussion)

Autism (Resolution)

Nursing with dementia (Resolution)

Parity of esteem (Resolution)

Wellness (Matter for Discussion)

The NHS (Resolution)

Nurse debriefing (Matter for Discussion)

Designated places of safety (Resolution)

AfC re-banding (Resolution)

Emergency departments (Matter for Discussion)

Asylum seekers and refugees (Matter for Discussion)

Cycle helmet legislation (Resolution)

Working time regulations (Resolution)

People trafficking (Resolution)

STPs (Matter for Discussion)

Assaults (Matter for Discussion)

Benefits (Resolution)

Emergency Resolution - Pay

Emergency Resolution - Brexit

Emergency Resolution - Prime Minister's letter

EU and nursing - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the benefits for nursing of remaining a member of the European Union.

Student bursaries - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress is appalled by the unilateral decision to abolish student nurse bursaries and calls on government to work with the RCN to look at all options and agree future student nurse funding arrangements.

Illegal drugs - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses whether the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is working.

Child mental health - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby governments of the UK to invest in services to promote the emotional well-being and positive mental health of our children and young people.

Domestic abuse - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress asks RCN Council to lobby for mandatory domestic abuse awareness training for all health care workers.

CPR lessons - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress calls on the governments of the UK to mandate the teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to schoolchildren.

Agency nurses - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the use of agency nurses in the NHS.

Safe staffing - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the governments of England, Northern Ireland and Scotland to follow Wales and deliver enforceable safe staffing levels.

Abortion - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the merits of decriminalising abortion.

E-nursing - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress calls on RCN Council to promote the concept that every nurse should be an Enurse.

Sickle cell disease - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how we can ensure people with sickle cell disease receive the highest standard of care.

Pay - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress asks RCN Council to work with employers to uphold the Agenda for Change negotiated agreement.

Seven-day care - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the implications for nursing of the government's policy on seven-day services in the NHS in England.

District nurses - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby for all district nurse caseload holders should have the specialist practitioner qualification (SPQ).

Nursing associates - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the impact of the Nursing Associate role.

Public health funding - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress asks RCN Council to insist that the Government reinstates adequate funding for public health.

Learning disability care - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the impact on the physical health of people with a learning disability when transferring their care from health to social care.

Bullying allegations - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses the detrimental effects on managers when they are accused of bullying and harassment when all they are doing is managing.

Dementia - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses "Do people with dementia get a fair deal when admitted to hospital?"

Holistic care - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses holistic care and if it is realistic, or even desirable.

Housing costs - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby governments of the UK to introduce rent controls.

RCN at 100 - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses how to build on the achievements and work of the RCN over the last 100 years.

Emergency Resolution - Resolution - Rejected

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to lobby all employers to provide individual training budgets for registered nurses in light of the introduction of nursing revalidation

Emergency Resolution - Resolution - Passed

Following on from the General Secretary’s comments on how the RCN would lead if it were in charge of health and care policy and practice across the NHS, we condemn the recent decision to remove nursing expertise from the Department of Health without consultation and we call on Council to campaign for a strong permanent, and expert nursing voice at the heart of the Department of Health

Emergency Resolution - Resolution - Passed

In light of the statement made by Professor Patton this meeting of Congress asks Council to consider the way the RCN engages in political decision making that impacts on nursing and the health and wellbeing of the UK

Covert filming - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to oppose the use of covert video and audio surveillance and recording in nursing and residential homes.

Child health inequalities - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to lobby all UK governments to invest in our young people and end child health inequalities.

Non-emergency ambulances - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the provision of non-emergency ambulance services to NHS hospital and community clinic appointments.

Lone working - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress asks Council to take action against organisations failing to provide sufficiently robust lone working systems to protect community staff.

Non-EU nurses - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on the UK Government to withdraw plans for the forced removal of non-EU nurses if their salary after five years is less than £35,000.

Workforce planning - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on governments within the UK to change their lackadaisical approach to nursing workforce planning.

LGBT mental health - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress lobbies for improved mental health services for LGBT patients.

A&E crisis - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress requests Council to put pressure on the governments within the UK to address the crisis in the A&E service.

Custody nursing - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to lobby governments within the UK to enhance the role of nurses providing services to people in custody in police stations and courts.

Cost of nursing - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of Congress discusses ways for employers to relieve the financial burden on nursing staff in light of sub-inflationary pay awards, including payment of professional fees.

Integrating care - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses whether policies for the integration of health and social care services introduced by successive governments within the UK are helping or compounding the current pressures in the health services.

Cost of care - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to lobby governments within the UK to recognise the true cost of care, and make adjustments in the payments made to care home providers.

Climate change and health - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to lobby governments within the UK to take all actions to prepare the UK health services for the effects of long term climate change.

RCN local branches - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses whether there is still a need to maintain a local branch based structure in the RCN.

Health and music - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the health benefits of music.

Strike action - Matter for discussion

Should nurses in the RCN strike to protect not only ourselves but our patients and the services that they rely on?

Carers' champions - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to lobby for the establishment of an appropriately resourced carers' champion in each GP practice and community health centre.

EU and nursing - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of membership of the European Union on nursing and health care provision in the UK.

Four branches of nursing - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discuss whether the four 'branches' of nursing lead to nurses working in silos, or meet the needs of vulnerable patients?

Unsocial hours payments - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress rejects the 2010-2015 UK Government’s premise that unsocial hours payments should be scrapped.

Continence training - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress debates the issue of the lack of training for nurses and health care assistants in the field of continence.

Using data for health - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses whether nurses have the willingness and ability to harness the power of data to ensure patient and population health needs are met.

Stress at work - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to ensure employers take measures to reduce work-related stress by adhering to HSE guidance.

Emergency Resolution - Mental health crises - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress lobbies to hold commissioning bodies to account for commissioning robust crisis care for those in mental health crisis.

Emergency Resolution - Safe staffing - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress deplores the decision to halt the current work by NICE on safe staffing and calls for RCN Council to lobby for the reversal of this decision that puts patients at risk.

Emergency Resolution - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to oppose the proposed legislative changes outlined in the Queens Speech to inhibit and prevent trade union members from exercising their democratic right to take industrial action.

Emergency Resolution - Student recruitment - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress believes that if this government is to reduce agency expenditure they must consider how they will attract and retain student nurses.

HIV Awareness - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls for Council to lobby the departments of health and social care across the UK to raise awareness and understanding of HIV in mainstream health and social care.

A&E - Matter for discussion

This meeting of RCN Congress discusses whether A&E departments are the best locations of care for patients who are intoxicated as a result of alcohol.

Sleep - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to seek ways to educate staff in all health and social care settings about the effect of noise at night on patients and to promote nurse-led measures to reduce noise when patients are sleeping.

Working environment - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to encourage health care employers to recognise and take action to reduce the impact of poor working environments on the mental, emotional and physical health of their staff.

No smoking anywhere - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact on nurses of the NICE recommendation that patients in health care environments should be banned from going outside to smoke at any point during their treatment.

Menopause - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to raise awareness among health care employers of the impact of the menopause on the nursing workforce.

Revalidation - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of Congress discusses whether the Nursing and Midwifery Council will be able to deliver an effective and fair revalidation process.

Lobbying act - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress resolves that the RCN should not be silenced by the Lobbying Act and should ensure that the voice of nursing is still heard in election years.

Targets and pressures - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress asks Council to review the impact of a target orientated culture on nurses and nursing.

Physical health needs - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress requests Council to lobby for action to improve the physical health of people with mental health problems.

Nurse leaders - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress considers whether nurse managers and leaders have the necessary resilience to lead in the current health care climate.

Suicide prevention - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress asks Council to influence higher education institutions to include suicide prevention across all fields of pre-registration nurse education.

Human rights of detainees - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress requests Council to take all necessary action to ensure detainees are treated with due regard for their healthcare and human rights.

Practice nurses - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of the RCN Congress asks Council to lobby commissioners and regulators to support the development of a recognised national qualification and career pathway for practice nursing.

Working together - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how we can all work together to improve care.

Charges for GP visits - Resolution - Rejected

That this meeting of RCN Congress believes a fixed fee should be charged for GP appointments.

Patient data - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the use of NHS patient information in the UK.

Diversity and careers - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby Government to demonstrate the value of black and minority ethnic nurses and health care assistants by enforcing strategies that ensure fairness and equity in their recruitment, development and retention.

TTIP agreement - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress urges Council to lobby against the inclusion of health services in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Effects of bullying on patients - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress asks Council to investigate whether bullying and harassment in healthcare settings is affecting the quality of care and safety of patients.

Integrated patient care - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discuss ways of promoting the delivery of integrated, patient-centred care.

Living Wage - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to sign up to the Living Wage, and actively campaign for commissioners in health and social care to include paying the Living Wage in their contracts with providers.

Independence referendum - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the possible implications for the RCN as an organisation if, following the referendum in September 2014, Scotland becomes an independent country.

Reporting abuse - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress asks Council to review RCN policy in light of the evidence for and against mandatory reporting of abuse of vulnerable people.

Devolution and pay - Matter for discussion

That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the relevance of National Pay Bargaining within an increasingly devolved United Kingdom.

Pay - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress deplores the Westminster Government's decision to ignore the recommendations of the Independent Pay Review Body and asks Council to commit to a sustained campaign to protect pay and resist the further erosion of terms and conditions.

Emergency Resolution - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress requests Council to lobby Government for fair reimbursement for mileage for nurses working in the community.

Emergency Resolution - Resolution - Passed

That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on Council to lobby political parties to ensure the predicted shortfall in NHS funding for 2015-16, reported on 17 June 2013, is plugged.

Page last updated - 02/12/2022