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Psychological safety: What it is and why you need it

07 Jun 2022, 13:00 - 13:45

  • Carron 1, Scottish Event Campus, Exhibition Way, Glasgow , G3 8YW
Hosted by: Gastrointestinal Nursing Forum

Psychological safety, a concept identified by Amy Edmondson, encourages you to speak up, speak out and not be afraid of what comes next. It’s about creating cultures where you can confidently ask for help, raise a concern without fear of being reprimanded, and where innovation and learning can flourish. 

Drawing on key studies, this session will explore the concept of psychological safety in relation to patient care, the research that underpins it, why nurses can benefit from it, and how it can be nurtured in your team.

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Carron 1
Scottish Event Campus
Exhibition Way
G3 8YW

Page last updated - 28/11/2022