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Seeking member views: NMC on Fitness to Practice and the PSA on the duty of candour

13 May 2018, 18:45 - 19:30

  • Boardroom 3, Belfast Waterfront, 2 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3WH
  • Hosted by: NMC, RCN Executive Nurse Network and RCN Leadership & Management Forum
The RCN is seeking your input into our responses to two consultations, one by the NMC on Fitness to Practice and one by the PSA on the duty of candour.

Given the significance of these issues for nurses we want to be able to consult as fully as possible. There are key questions which the RCN is interested in which takes into consideration the information in the NMC, fitness to practice consultation and the PSA duty of candour.

We would greatly welcome your views and are holding two short discussion sessions at Congress. 

Boardroom 3
Belfast Waterfront
2 Lanyon Place

Page last updated - 05/09/2018