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The NHS: 70 years and counting

13 May 2018, 18:45 - 19:30

  • Meeting Room 3A, Belfast Waterfront, 2 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3WH
  • Free
  • Hosted by: RCN History of Nursing Society
This event begins with an illustrated presentation to highlight the poor health of the population in post-war Britain.

Although Parliament was generally supportive of an NHS, there was strong resistance from some medics and many general practitioners. This will be followed by an overview of the significant changes that have taken place decade by decade. We will finish by asking what has been learnt from these significant changes and posing the ‘what ever next?’ question.

This is appropriate for all roles, grades and specialities who have an interest in, or relationship with health care in Britain.

Find more information about the History of Nursing Society here.

Meeting Room 3A
Belfast Waterfront
2 Lanyon Place

Page last updated - 05/09/2018