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  • 16 Jul 2020

    Leicester nurse becomes RCN Fellow

    A pioneering nurse from Leicester has today been named a Fellow of the RCN.

  • 30 Oct 2019

    RCN calls for re-think on health visitor changes in Lincolnshire

    Lincolnshire County Council risks undermining efforts to give children the healthiest possible start in life by pursuing a “divisive” career progression scheme for its health visitors, according to the RCN.

  • 11 Jun 2019

    LD100 celebrations come to the East Midlands

    More than 70 members of the learning disability health care community came together from across the East Midlands yesterday (10 June) to celebrate 100 years of Learning Disability (LD) nursing.

  • Nurses' Day service 17 May 2019

    RCN founder remembered on Nurses' Day

    Nurses and RCN representatives commemorated Dame Sarah Swift, one of the RCN’s founders, at a special church service in the Lincolnshire village of Kirton to mark International Nurses’ Day.


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Page last updated - 14/03/2023