Branches are made up of all RCN members in a geographic area. They help organise RCN activities in their area and provide opportunities for members to participate in and shape the work of the RCN.
- Chair: Rita Merrison
- Secretary: Lee Fretwell
- Treasurer: Bev Smith
North Nottinghamshire
- Chair: Position vacant
- Secretary: Position vacant
- Treasurer: Position vacant
South Lincolnshire
- Chair: Mark Le Sage
- Vice Chair: Jacqueline Barton
- Secretary: Amanda Eliff
- Treasurer: Chris Daubney
Leicestershire and Rutland
- Chair: David Mathers
- Secretary: Lauren Thomas
- Treasurer: Shirley Iliffe
- Chair: Amy Dundas
- Secretary: Ian Graham
- Treasurer: Shirley Ross
North Lincolnshire
- Chair: Mel Stewart
- Secretary: Position vacant
- Treasurer: Sharon Osbourne
- Social Media Officer: Nicola Deveaux
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer: Angie Scarfe
- Chair: Andi Robinson
- Secretary: Helen Inskip
- Vice Secretary: Patsy Campbell
- Treasurer: Maive Coley
Page last updated - 26/09/2023