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28 blog posts
  • Goeffrey Walker, RCN Council member for the South West Region Geoffrey Walker Geoffrey Walker 28 Apr 2020

    RCN Council meeting in spite of COVID-19

    RCN Council met virtually by Skype on the 21 April. The meeting lasted all day and we discussed the many serious issues facing nursing at the moment, not least the COVID-19 outbreak. 

  • RCN South West Regional Director Lucy Muchina Lucy Muchina Lucy Muchina 22 Apr 2020

    Caring for each other

    As a career nurse working from home has never been a norm and in my relatively new role as Regional Director of the RCN in the South West region, I was only doing so occasionally but with the pandemic advice staying at home is what I and my team have had to do – maintaining our service to members from our homes across the region.

  • International Infection Prevention Week 2018 Geoffrey Walker Geoffrey Walker 17 Apr 2020

    Building resilience in difficult times

    As we continue to live with COVID-19 and its impact on every aspect of our lives I thought it would be good to take a moment to consider our personal resilience. This period represents the toughest challenge of a generation, particularly for our profession, but despite demand, we cannot work around the clock. The new environment we find ourselves working in is beyond anything we could have imagined just a few short weeks ago, whether we are in primary or secondary care, private, home or nursing home care settings. 

  • Woman's face with a black eye Lucy Muchina Lucy Muchina 16 Apr 2020

    Behind closed doors

    Over the weekend, and in line with the UK government’s guidance to take one form of exercise out of the home a day, I decided to take a walk. I was also keen to get to know my neighbourhood better while I have the chance. 

  • Lucy Muchina, RCN South West Regional Director Lucy Muchina Lucy Muchina 9 Apr 2020

    Here for you

    When I joined the RCN in February I couldn’t have envisaged the way the world would shift for us all, these past few weeks. Within weeks of taking up my position of Regional Director for RCN South West all of us, members and staff, have altered our lives to continue to work but in very different ways.

  • Coronavirus Geoffrey Walker Geoffrey Walker 31 Mar 2020

    A tough time for all

    The World Health Organisation International Year of the Nurse 2020 and probably the most challenging time in the history of modern nursing.

  • Florence Nightingale Geoffrey Walker Geoffrey Walker 18 Feb 2020

    The World Health Organisation International Year of the Nurse 2020

    This is the international year for the nurse and celebrating 200 years since the birth of the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale.

  • Leonora King Leonora King Leonora King 3 Feb 2020

    Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone

    I'm the new Student Committee member representing the South West region’s students.