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RCN endorsement

Endorsed resources


Acute mental health inpatient competence framework for adults

University College London / North East London NHS Foundation Trust

Advisory paper on Syntocinon and Syntometrine

UK Clinical Pharmacy Association (Women's Health Group)

Ambulance Handover to Secondary Care standard

The Professional Records Standards Body


A Clinical Consensus on Self Care

PAGB, the consumer healthcare association

Cardiogenic Shock to Recovery

Intensive Care Society

Children Coming to Hospital

Edge Hill University

Clinical Dermatology Nursing Role Descriptors

British Dermatological Nursing Group (BDNG) and British Association of Dermatologists (BAD)

Core information standard

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)

Core Standards for Pain Management Services in the UK version 2

Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

CPD Position statement

The Interprofessional CPD and Lifelong Learning UK Working Group

Critical Care Networks Best Practice Principles

Critical Care Networks - National Nurses Leads

Critical Care Outreach Practitioner Framework

Intensive Care Society / Critical Care Networks-National Nurse Leads / The National Outreach Forum


Digital social care information

The PRSB – Professional Record Standards Body

Discharge planning for adults with diabetes in hospital

Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient care (JBDS) Group

Document Naming Standard

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)


Eating Disorders in Men toolkit

The University of Nottingham

EATING WELL During and After COVID-19 Illness

Managing Adult Malnutrition in the Community

eDischarge Summary Standard

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)

Emergency Care Discharge Summary

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)

Empowering people to self care a toolkit for Primary Care Networks

PAGB, the consumer healthcare association (on behalf of the self care strategy group)


Healthcare assessment in police custody after CED discharge

Conducted energy devices (CED) and Taser Working Group

Healthy Child Record Standard

The PRSB – Professional Record Standards Body

Heart failure specialist nurse competency framework

British Society for Heart Failure Nurse Forum

The Hospital Management of Hypoglycaemia in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus

Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient care (JBDS) Group




Management of diabetic ketoacidosis DKA in people over 18 years old

Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient care (JBDS) Group

Management of Hyperglycaemia and Steroid (Glucocorticoid) Therapy

Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient care (JBDS) Group

Managing Malnutrition in COPD

Hilary Franklin Healthcare Communications

Managing pain after surgery

British Pain Society (BPS)

Maternity Record standard

The PRSB (Professional Records Standards Body)

Mental Health and Smoking Partnership recommendations for Tobacco Control Plan for England 2021

Mental Health and Smoking Partnership, facilitated by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

Minimum Standards for Urodynamics

United Kingdom Continence Society (UKCS)

Modern Ward Rounds Report

Royal College of Physicians

Moving Medicine

Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine – Moving Medicine Project


National PICU Prison Transfer Guidance

National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (NAPICU)

Nursing Educator’s Toolkit

Genomics Education Programme, Health Education England


Outpatient letter standard

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)


Quality of Life Wound Checklist

Keele University School of Nursing and Midwifery


Safe Surgeries toolkit

Doctors of the World UK

Standards of Practice and Proficiency Framework for DBS Nurse Specialist

Deep Brain Stimulation Association (DBSNA) - Standards of Practice and Proficiency Framework for DBS Nurse Specialist: A Competency Framework based on Knowledge, Skills and Attitude for Nurses working in Deep Brain Stimulation

Structure and Content of Health and Care Records

Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB)

Surgery and Opioids Best Practice Guidelines 2020

Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists


Talking about sex, sexuality and relationships

The Open University & Together for Short Lives on behalf of The Open University Sexuality Alliance

Telephone Triage Tool Kit for Children and Young People The Tool Kit Manual

Children and Young People’s Cancer Nurses Group of the Royal College of Nursing and the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group

Telling My Friends: talking about having Crohn’s or colitis

Telling My Friends: talking about having Crohn’s or colitis

Edge Hill University

The Fit Note e-learning course

The Department for Work and Pensions DWP

Thyroid Disorder in Children and Young People with Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group U.K. & Ireland

Transforming MND Care

Motor Neurone Disease Association



RCN Endorsement

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Page last updated - 15/06/2021