How’s the RCN supporting nursing support workers in Scotland?
We launched our We care campaign in 2018 to highlight the value and contribution of nursing support workers to health care.
Part of the campaign involved delivering a range of free education sessions specifically for nursing support workers.
These had to move online during the pandemic and are now being offered as live webinars and bite-sized learning opportunities in the form of short films on the RCN website.
What’s bite-sized learning?
It’s short, highly focused content based on a single topic or problem.
Each unit has a single learning objective and contains just the information necessary for the learner to achieve that objective.
Do I need to be a member in Scotland to attend the webinars or watch the films?
Not at all. They’ve been created for nursing support workers from all settings in Scotland, and although some of the content is specifically tailored to members in Scotland, many others will find them useful.
You don’t need to be a nursing support worker to benefit from them either so spread the word.
They could also be a great conversation starter at branch meetings
You don’t even need to be a member of the RCN – they’re available to the public so they’re a great resource for reps to share when recruiting members.
Learning reps may also find it helpful to share the films. They could also be a great conversation starter at branch meetings, where they could be demonstrated too.
We care
Nursing support workers are among the most visible members of the health and social care workforce for patients and service users. But they’re often the least visible in health and social care planning and policy.
Our campaign recognises the high-quality care and support nursing support workers provide to patients and those requiring care.
Why’s this any use to me?
Online education is needed more than ever during the pandemic when social distancing measures and workforce pressures make it tricky to attend live education sessions in person.
We want to provide nursing support workers learning and development but offer it in a convenient form that you can access at a time that suits you.
What do I need to know?
You just need access to the RCN website. You can book onto our live webinars in advance or watch the films whenever’s best for you, and however many times you want.
You don’t need to have any experience in the subjects
You don’t need to have any experience in the subjects. The learning is suitable for complete beginners but could also be useful as a reminder for more experienced staff.
What subjects can I learn about?
This webinar and film series will include record keeping, accountability and delegation, the benefits of using the RCN library, evaluating online information, raising concerns and the social care review.
What sort of things will be covered?
In the accountability and delegation webinar, for example, we’ll cover the principles of accountability and delegation between registered nurses and nursing support workers in a nursing team.
We’ll look at some clinical examples and points to consider before accepting a delegated task.
What if I have questions about something covered in the learning?
Contact Jennifer Underwood Mackie, RCN health care support worker development officer.
Further information
The next webinar takes place on 29 July at 2pm. Book your webinar place now. More webinars will be added each month for the rest of this year.
Let us know if you think there is something else we should cover in these guides.