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5 ways to be an LGBTQ+ ally

Top tips to support your colleagues

5 ways to support staff observing Ramadan

Hamira shares her tips for how to support colleagues taking part

Pension abatement: what you need to know 

Placements: A Student Survival Guide

Listen to our audio series for nursing students now

Long COVID: how we can help you

From navigating disability benefits to finding peer support, the RCN is here to help you

4 ways to talk to patients about strike action

Here’s how to explain why you’re prepared to join picket lines

Picket lines: what you need to know

Find out what to expect if you’re planning to join one

If at first you don't succeed...

How to deal with and learn from failure

What are microaggressions?

How to call out microaggressions in the workplace

Applying for an RCN Foundation grant

Find out how to apply for RCN Foundation education grants

'These false accusations could have finished my career'

What to do if you're accused of misconduct

Bank holiday working: know your rights

What are your holiday entitlements?

Pensions: your questions answered

Wherever you are in your career, it’s always worth taking time to think about your pension

Struggling to make ends meet?

Applying for financial help from the RCN Foundation

How to maximise your income and cut costs

Advice to tackle the cost-of-living crisis from the RCN’s new income maximisation officer

Legal update: am I protected against detriment short of dismissal if I take part in industrial action?

A recent tribunal case raises questions the legal protection afforded to striking workers

Unexpected debt?

Find out how RCN Welfare Services could help

Top tips for digital appointments

Getting the most out of every consultation

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