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Mental Health nursing (history, wellbeing & clinical supervision)

19 Sep 2021, 10:00 - 11:00

  • Room 4B, Online
This two-part event firstly explores the mental wellbeing challenges facing nursing through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a brief history of mental health nursing.

In July 2021, the RCN supported the #EndPJParalysis Global Summit. Join the discussion between Stephen Jones, Professor Brian Dolan (OBE) and Lynda Holt, as we revisit this significant event - Stronger together – mental wellbeing through and beyond COVID-19. Do you want to discover the roots of mental health nursing in England? Watch this topical Penny Lecture by Stephen Jones: Mental health nursing, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. A collaboration between the Royal College of Nursing and Morley College, celebrating International Nurses Day 2021, and the extended Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

Members can watch a video of the session below. The subtitles have been automatically generated by AI. A corrected version will be available soon.

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Room 4B

Page last updated - 21/02/2022