Library Europe's largest nursing-specific collection

Your web browser is outdated and may be insecure

The RCN recommends using an updated browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome

You said, we did

We're always trying to improve our services and listen to your feedback. Here are some of the changes we've made this year. 

We would like the café to reopen in the Library and Heritage Centre

Reopening of the cafe on a trial basis is coming soon

The Café will reopen on a trial basis in early 2023 to gauge demand. We will be sure to publicise it when it does.

Accessing your resources is difficult.

We've made it simpler

We have simplified access to our resources through library search and introduced single sign on so your RCN log in works for everything.

It has been difficult returning books to the library – Can you offer free returns by post?

Good news - We have now made postal loans free - of - charge. 

We heard you. We understand that it has been hard on our members to access the library. Postal loans are now free of charge.

How would my family history research request be processed? I find the information unclear on your website?

We've improved the whole process

We have edited the information on the form so that you understand what to expect from a family history request.

I find the padlocks on the databases page confusing.

We are working on a better way to display this information.

We aim to continually develop and improve our webpages, and welcome any feedback you may have on our content.

I don’t carry around my RCN number to log in for e-resources.

We've set up access using your email or membership number.

You can now log in using your email address.

Can we have larger screens on the PC's in the Library and Heritage Centre.

A larger screen has been added to one of the PC's.

We have currently replaced one smaller monitor with a larger screen.

 Can we have more time to ask questions at events?

More time for questions at events.

Event planners are factoring in more time for questions at upcoming events in their planning where this is appropriate.

There is not enough information about the printing cap on the copiers in the Library and Heritage Centre

We've added extra signage.

We have updated the signage in the Library and Heritage Centre so that information about the printing cap is clearer.


Can you make copies of RCN guidance documents more easily available.

RCN publications are online.

RCN publications can be found and downloaded through the RCN library catalogue.