End of Life Care
Use this guide to find information resources about end of life care including books, reports and journal articles.
Last updated:
Key Resources
RCN Learning resource: End of life care and wellbeing for the nursing and midwifery workforce
Online learning resource for nursing staff:
View page

Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, King’s College London (2023) A right to be heard: better palliative and end-of-life care for people affected by dementia. London: King’s College London.
Hospice UK (2023) I just want to be me: trans and gender diverse communities’ access to and experiences of palliative and end of life care. London: Hospice UK.
The King’s Fund (2023) Dying well at home : commissioning quality end-of-life care. London: The King’s Fund.
Marie Curie (2022) Caring for LGBTQ+ people at the end of life.
Marie Curie (2022) The better end of life report 2022: mind the gaps: understanding and improving out-of-hours care for people with advanced illness and their informal carers Research Report. London: Marie Curie.
NHS: End of life care.
Information aimed at the public
View page
NHS Benchmarking Network (2023) National audit of care at the end of life: fourth round of the audit (2022/23) report. England and Wales. UK: Health Quality Improvement Partnership.
National Palliative and End of Life Care Partnership (2021) Ambitions for palliative and end of life care: A national framework for local action 2021-2026. UK: Ambitions Partnership.
We would like to thank the RCN Pain and Palliative Care member community for their input into the development of this subject guide.

Book subject searches
Use these links to see details of books the RCN libraries hold on each topic.
Journal articles
Use these links for details of journal articles on each topic.

Royal College of Nursing (no date) Care home journey. RCN.
Hospice UK (no date) Dying matters resources.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (2014) End of life care: achieving dignity for those with dementia, Great Britain: Social Care TV (video).
Social Care Institute for Excellence (2014) End of life and palliative care: Thinking about the words we use, Great Britain: Social Care TV (video).

Joseph Dempster
Editor of this guide
RCN Library and Museum
Page last updated - 17/09/2024