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6 blog posts
  • Kevin Morley by the wall at RCN headquarters, Cavendish Square Kevin Morley Kevin Morley 6 Apr 2023

    From RCN Steward Representative to RCN Council member – why you should consider joining the Nursing Support Workers Committee

    My branch chair encouraged me to stand for a position representing the northern region on the Nursing Support Workers’ Committee. I’m so glad I ignored my initial worries and went for it.

  • RCN Northern Board members Janet Mortimer Janet Mortimer 10 Jul 2020

    I never looked back

    I’m coming to the end of my second term on the board. I came to it through being a rep and a branch executive committee member. I was a quiet, shy person before getting involved with the RCN, but my rep experience gave me the confidence to speak out and ask questions, feeling safe knowing I had support behind me.

  • Lovemore Mahachi, RCN Northern Board member Lovemore Mahachi Lovemore Mahachi 30 Jun 2020

    Speaking up for others

    As well as being on the RCN Northern Region Board I’m an RCN steward. I really enjoy it. 

  • RCN Independent Governance Review 2020 Dr Annessa Rebair Dr Annessa Rebair 18 Jun 2020

    Hearing our members' voices

    I have an important message for you all. 

  • RCN Students Committee Northern region member Scott Doughty Scott Doughty Scott Doughty 15 May 2020

    These are tough times and they will end

    I’ve been shielding for eight weeks now. As an ex-HCA and a second-year nursing student with severe allergic brittle asthma it’s very frustrating not being able to go out or help with this crisis but I know I have no choice about that.

  • Scott Doughty, RCN Students Committee Northern member 2020 Scott Doughty Scott Doughty 30 Jan 2020

    We are borderline miracle workers because of the pressure we work under

    I’m the new RCN Student Committee member representing students in the North East and Cumbria. I like challenging the status quo and speaking up for people which is why I wanted to be the voice of northern students in the organisation.