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Case studies

Celebrate your success, make a pledge or read other success stories.

Using the Healthy workplace, healthy you resources, RCN reps and employers have made changes in their organisations to create healthy working environments. Read the case studies to find out more.

Read Denise's story

RCN rep Denise McLaughlin explains how the toolkit helped improve stress-related sickness in her workplace.

Read Kathryn's story

Kathryn, a Nurse Educator at Medbank Healthcare worked to improve the difficulty agency nurses were reporting in accessing a confirmer.

Read Geoffrey's story

Geoffrey Walker, RCN Branch Chairman for Dorset explains how he worked to tackle dehydration in his A&E department.

Read Karen's story

Employer Karen O'Brien shares her experience of using the toolkit to tackle sickness absence in her Trust.

Celebrate your success or make a pledge

Tell us about a change you have made using the Healthy workplace, healthy you resources in your organisation and share good practice. You can also make a pledge to make improvements.

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Celebrate your achievements

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Denise McLaughlin

My role as a rep often involves speaking to employers about some incredibly challenging issues. However, the Healthy workplace toolkit has been such a positive thing to bring to the table and has strengthened the partnership I have with the Trust. Why not give it a go?
Read Denise's story

Denise McLaughlin RCN Safety Rep

Page last updated - 15/07/2020