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Rest, Rehydrate, Refuel case studies

Using the Rest, Rehydrate, Refuel resources, RCN reps and members have made changes in their organisations to improve working environments. Read the case studies to find out more.

Read Hilary's story

Intensive care nurse and RCN steward, Hilary, shares her experience of promoting the 3Rs campaign, Rest, Rehydrate, Refuel.

Read Jincy's story

RCN member Jincy talks about helping to spearhead a trust-wide campaign to encourage nursing staff to stay hydrated.

Let us know how you are working to improve the wellbeing of your nursing staff

No matter how big or small, from providing water bottles and hydration stations to creating a ‘take a break culture’ please tell us about any initiatives you have carried out to support rehydration, refuelling or rest for nursing staff.

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Page last updated - 15/07/2020