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Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight

Find out about the NURSING YOU wellbeing app

Maintaining a healthy weight is a key part of looking after your body and a balanced diet is central to achieving that. The NURSING YOU wellbeing app enables nurses to reflect on how they make decisions at work and identify goals to help achieve and maintain a healthier weight.


A free wellbeing app, conceived and designed by nurses, exclusively for nurses.

Email C3 Collaborating for Health for instructions on accessing the app and the app code.
NURSING YOU interactive resource

How NURSING YOU was developed

The issue of obesity among nurses is highly sensitive and vitally important, not just because of the impact on nursing professionals' own health and wellbeing, but also because of the impact on patients, as well as productivity within the workplace.

The RCN worked with C3 Collaborating for Health; RCN Foundation; London South Bank University and the Burdett Trust for Nursing on the Healthy Weight Initiative for Nurses (WIN.) project. The project used focus groups, workshops and surveys to understand the perspectives of overweight nursing professionals and how the challenges they face at work affected their ability to make healthy choices.

The project worked with the participants to identify and test what might help them recognise triggers for unhealthy food decisions and help them make better choices. As a result of this collaborative work an interactive NURSING YOU pdf resource was developed. After piloting NURSING YOU as an interactive pdf resource, C3 Collaborating for Health created the NURSING YOU app in partnership with MAXIMUS.

Find more information about the NURSING YOU app on C3 Collaborating for Health's website.

Page last updated - 03/08/2019