Learning and development
Learning and development describes the many learning activities that take place in the workplace. These include ‘training’ which is often described as mandatory or statutory and helps employees develop their understanding and skills.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)’ are often used to describe the ongoing learning required for a particular profession such as nursing and can be linked to professional registration.
Lifelong learning is much broader and includes learning that isn’t necessarily required for your role, but will can make a big difference to your work.
The organisation…
- commits to being a learning organisation
- recognises the value of partnership working to promote and protect learning in the workplace
- understands the value of learning in creating and maintaining a healthy workplace
- is compliant with mandatory and statutory training requirements relating to health and safety in the workplace and the training is fit for purpose
- provides everyone with the opportunity to complete the training during paid work time and with access to IT if the training is online
- provides suitable and appropriate facilities for staff to access both classroom and IT based learning
- supports staff who may have literacy, numeracy and IT skills that are preventing them from completing their mandatory training
- provides fair access to training and learning and development opportunities for all staff during working time so that they are able to practice safely
- provides work related training which is counted as working time and that staff are paid or given time off in lieu for completing
- mentors and supervises nursing staff effectively and provides nursing staff with the training to enable them to be effective supervisors
- supports nursing staff to meet relevant professionals standards for continued professional development (CPD) as set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s revalidation requirements and other bodies including the Scottish Social Services Council
- recognises the value of life-long learning and the benefits of learning that is not work related but can support staff to lead healthy and happy working lives
At a department/unit/team level…
- managers support staff to access work related learning and development/mandatory training in working hours and in suitable environments
- managers implement timely and effective appraisals for all staff and use the appraisal process to identify staff training and development needs including CPD to support revalidation
- managers ensure that effective mentorship and supervision is in place to support nursing staff.

Healthy workplace domains
Page last updated - 18/11/2021