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Healthy workplace banner

Rest, Rehydrate, Refuel 

The Healthy workplace, healthy you campaign aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the nursing workforce. As part of this campaign we are encouraging health and social care managers to ensure staff are taking their at-work breaks, are well hydrated and have access to nutritional food. We are also encouraging nursing staff to self-care and assert their right to a break.

The resources provide information, advice and tips about breaks at work, keeping hydrated and employers' responsibilities. You can also download posters to support and promote the campaign.

Download posters

Advice for RCN members

Read our advice for RCN members on taking their breaks at work, including information on the employer's responsibility and why it is important to take breaks.
Nurse and patient

Resource for safety reps and managers

Find information about making improvements and legal responsibilities. It also includes tips and case studies to support the implementation of improvements.

3R's resource

Success stories

Let us know how you are working to improve the wellbeing of nursing staff, and tell us about any initiatives you have carried out to support rehydration, refuelling or rest.

Page last updated - 18/11/2021