Ways you can get involved
Make your voice heard to change nursing for the better
Using our power and winning change
We want you to be part of nursing activism and lead on the issues that matter most to you. You are the RCN. By joining with other members, you can make nursing activism a force to be reckoned with!
Get active
Bring your expertise and experience to a new role. Develop knowledge and skills to support members and influence change in your workplace and area of clinical practice.

Become an RCN Rep
Help someone develop their career, check on safety standards or support members through difficult times – our reps are there at every step.

Get active locally
Link in with your local RCN and connect with your branch to get your voice heard on local issues.
Use your voice
Our power comes from our ability to stand together and demand what we need for our profession. Join your local branch, learn the basics of organising, or get active in one of our campaigns to build that power with us.

Influence clinical practice

Get organised
Upcoming events
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Stay up to date with activism at the RCN
22 Mar 2024
Update on the recent Joint Reps Conference in Bristol
I am Matthew, an RCN steward and South West Board Member for Gloucestershire Branch.
1 Feb 2024
Looking ahead to 2024
Now that the year is in full swing, Regional Director for Northern and Yorkshire & the Humber, Sarah Dodsworth, looks ahead to what's in store in 2024.
Get involved in our governance