Healthy workplace, healthy you
Healthy workplace, healthy you supports employers and RCN representatives to work in partnership to improve working environments. It also supports nursing professionals to lead healthy lifestyles so they can maintain both physical and mental wellbeing.
Healthy workplace
Healthy you
Get startedÂ
Rest, Rehydrate, Refuel
Find resources and posters with information, advice and tips about breaks at work, keeping hydrated and employers' responsibilities.
Success stories
Mindfulness resources
Developed for nursing staff, six videos have been created cover different stages of your day, from starting the day to arriving home. They also offer practical techniques which you can use.
Work as a health outcome
Working can help people have a sense of fulfilment and purpose. The RCN, the AoMRC and the Association of allied health professionals have supported this consensus statement to support all health care professionals and encourage health care practitioners to consider how best to support people back to work or engage in activity. See the report on the Good Work is Good for You conference summary.
The new Work and Health e-learning from PHE and HEE will support health care professionals to make brief interventions such as discussing the health benefits of work with patients, talking about returning to work and advising on adjustments at work.
Page last updated - 22/10/2019