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Staffing for Safe and Effective Care

in Scotland

Safe staffing legislation in Scotland

The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 was passed in the summer of 2019. This ground-breaking legislation is the first in the UK to set out requirements for safe staffing across both health and care services.

Following sustained pressure from RCN Scotland and its members, in June 2022 the Scottish Government published a timetable for implementation. The timetable sets out a 21-month programme of work which will see the Act come into force from April 2024.

How have we been influencing on behalf of members?

  • We’ve been working with Scottish Government to help develop the statutory guidance that will help support effective implementation of the Act
  • We are raising the voice of the profession at all stages of the process
  • Our input has helped ensure that what matters to our members is included in the draft statutory guidance
  • We’ve been working with other key stakeholders to develop the approach to the ‘Test and Learn’ phase of the implementation of the Act 

What will we do over the next 6 months?

  • We’ll actively engage with members to help shape an RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government’s public consultation on the draft statutory guidance. We expect this to happen from May to July 2023
  • We’ll encourage members to respond directly to the consultation if they wish, and we’ll provide some guidance on why this will help raise the voice of the nursing profession
  • We’ll keep members updated so you know what we’re doing on your behalf
  • We’ll continue to be actively involved in the ‘Test and Learn’ phase of the implementation programme and we’ll deliver education and development to members and Reps within the test sites to support robust testing of the duties within the Act.

How can I find out more and get involved?

Members can contact the Policy Team with any questions or comments by email at

    Our aim is to ensure that the voice of nursing is well represented throughout this process. We know that this legislation alone will not fix the nursing workforce crisis. It needs to sit alongside fair pay and improved terms, conditions and culture to ensure we can recruit and retain the nursing workforce Scotland needs right now and in decades to come.

    The RCN Nursing Workforce Standards, published in May 2021, are closely aligned to the Act and have been created to explicitly set out what must happen within workplaces to ensure the delivery of safe and effective patient care.

    Valuing Nursing in the UK

    Valuing Nursing in the UK – Staffing for Safe and Effective Care report

    This new RCN report sets out the issues contributing to the poor retention of nursing staff, the reasons why they’re leaving, and calls for immediate action from the UK governments

    Read our briefing for members

    This briefing explain why the RCN in Scotland is calling on the Scottish Government to urgently develop and implement a Nursing Retention Strategy to tackle the exodus of nursing staff from health and care services

    RCN report on the nursing workforce in Scotland

    The reasons for passing the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 more than three years ago have been made even clearer by the COVID-19 crisis, and implementation of the Act is urgently needed to address the workforce challenges in the NHS and in care homes.

    This is one of the conclusions of RCN Scotland’s first annual analysis of workforce statistics and challenges facing workforce planners.

    The report’s recommendations include calls for:

    • The Scottish government to increase investment in health and care services to employ more nursing staff and achieve safe staffing levels.
    • A commitment to continue to increase the number of nursing student places in line with workforce modelling rather than affordability.

    In the report RCN Scotland highlights how the record-high vacancy rate for nursing staff is a serious threat to maintaining high quality patient care.

    It underlines just how urgently action is needed to repair the harms caused to the nursing workforce by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as years of chronic under-investment before the pandemic.

    Share your story

    The pressure on you and our profession is greater than ever before. As the Voice of Nursing, the RCN wants to hear your story so we can understand the professional and personal impact of today’s pressures and demonstrate to politicians, employers, the public and the media the issues that are affecting the nursing workforce. 
    Share your story

    Unsustainable pressures

    Browse our resources designed to support you during the coming months as you continue to work under pressure to ensure services are delivered in a safe and timely manner across health and care

    Logo that reads 'safe staffing saves lives'

    How we got here

    The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act gained Royal Assent on 6 June 2019. It is a ground-breaking piece of legislation as it is the first in the UK to set out requirements for safe staffing across both health and care services and most clinical professions.

    The RCN’s ‘Ask for More’ campaign was instrumental in shaping the Act, with the majority of our asks being included.

    You can read about how laws are made here and a summary of the legislation here.

    Supporting our members

    The legislation places a number of duties on Health Boards, care providers and Scottish Ministers. If implemented well, it will ensure that nursing staff can raise concerns about staffing levels without fear of repercussions and have these concerns listened to and recorded.

    RCN Scotland will be developing a series of resources to help support our members with implementation of this legislation. It is important that nursing staff working in health and social care understand how the legislation will work in practice and what to do if they have concerns about staffing levels.

    Check back on this page for updates in the near future.

    Raising Concerns

    The RCN believes everyone should feel safe and supported when raising concerns about patient care.

    Find out what to do if you see poor care or feel you are being prevented from providing safe, compassionate care.
    three raised hands multicoloured graphic

    Page last updated - 04/05/2023