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Information about pay in Scotland

Nursing pay

Here you can find information about pay for nursing staff in Scotland.

Nursing pay in Scotland 

Find out more about our campaign, recent NHS pay deals and the Agenda for Change review.

Scotland ballot now open graphic
Find out more about pay, terms and conditions in NHS Scotland on the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee website.

If you have any questions about nursing pay in Scotland in general, please email us at

Independent sector and non-NHS staff

The RCN believes all health and social care employers need to have a pay system that is competitive with the NHS. 

Some are based on NHS structures, some are set independently and in some instances pay rates are dictated by budgets. 

We anticipate that improvements in NHS pay will have a positive effect on pay in other sectors. 

NHS pensions in Scotland

Changes to pension contributions for staff working in the NHS in Scotland are anticipated this year.


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Page last updated - 02/05/2023