Read the latest opinions from the RCN in Scotland
10 Mar 2023
Our priorities for the review of Agenda for Change
The pay offer we are consulting on has more to it than money alone. Many of you are asking about the review of Agenda for Change (AfC) and what this might mean.
24 Feb 2023
RCN Scotland calls for National Care Service Bill to be paused
This week RCN Scotland wrote to the Minister responsible for the National Care Service (NCS) Bill, Kevin Stewart MSP, to reiterate our serious concerns about the Bill and to add our voice to the growing number of calls for the legislation to be paused.
25 Jan 2023
The pressures nursing staff are facing show no sign of relenting
On the face of it, the graphs might seem to be moving in the right direction, but there were still almost 12,000 people waiting more than four hours before being seen in Scotland’s A&E departments, according to the latest statistics for week ending 15 January 2023.
24 Aug 2020
A pay rise for nursing staff is not just about the COVID-19 pandemic
Nursing staff are feeling let down and ignored on pay. It's time to award them a meaningful pay rise.
15 Jul 2020
Time to engage care home staff as attention turns to meaningful change in sector
Whatever the future holds for all of us coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic it must include better engagement with and representation for nursing and other staff working in our care homes.
9 Jul 2020
Let’s be comfortable with the clinical role in our care homes
What’s in a word? Quite a lot it would seem for anyone following the debate around the terms ‘clinical’ and ‘homely’, says Theresa Fyffe.
6 Jun 2020
Reflections on 'safe staffing' legislation anniversary
The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted the implementation of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act but, writes Theresa Fyffe, what the Act stands for is more important than ever and fundamental to building a better future for nursing and care.
4 Jun 2020
Care homes sector has been undervalued for too long
Many long-standing problems faced by care homes have been brought into sharp focus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Theresa Fyffe says these problems must not simply be allowed to fade into the background as the route to recovery is plotted.
20 May 2020
Time for support not stigma for care homes
Care home residents and staff are all facing the same fear and confusion as the rest of the population. They also need our recognition and appreciation for what they are going through during the COVID-19 pandemic, says Cheryl Henderson.
12 May 2020
'The value of nursing staff has, in modern times, never been more apparent'
On Nurses' Day, Theresa Fyffe reflects on why we must make greater efforts to ensure we look after the mental health and wellbeing of nursing staff right now.
Page last updated - 12/04/2023