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RCN Wales

Representing nurses, HCAs and APs, nursing students and midwives across Wales.

RCN Wales reject NHS pay offer, nursing strikes to go ahead despite acceptance from other unions

We remain in dispute with the Welsh government after RCN Wales members rejected the pay offer. RCN Wales has written to the Minister for Health & Social Services, Eluned Morgan, seeking to urgently re-enter negotiations. 

Read our member news story here.

Nursing Pay

Find out the latest information about NHS pay in Wales and the campaign for Fair Pay for Nursing.

Fair pay for nursing 2022 bilingual logo

RCN Wales Nurse of the Year Awards

Celebrating the shining stars of the nursing community.

RCN Wales Nurse of the Year 2022 logo 10 year anniversary

Staffing for Safe and Effective Care

Implementing and extending the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act 2016

Where are we now and what happens next?

RCN Staffing for Safe and Effective Care campaign "tick" logo. Logo text reads "Safe Staffing Saves Lives" in English, and in Welsh "Mae Staffio Diogel Yn Achub Bywydau".


Find information about what we are doing to support you, clinical guidance and advice about COVID-19 and work and other employment issues.

RCN Wales library

Ty Maeth, King George V Drive East, Cardiff CF14 4XZ 029 2068 0734. Please note this number is for library enquiries only. Call 0345 772 6100 for general queries.

RCN Wales Library interior


All members belong to an RCN branch. Branches work across the NHS, independent and third sectors to deliver services to members and provide opportunities for members to participate in, shape and influence the work of the RCN.



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Page last updated - 10/05/2023