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RCN Scotland Nurse of the Year Awards 2022

Leadership Award

RCN Scotland Nurse of the Year Awards 2022

Nursing leaders inspire and motivate. They advocate for nursing and for high-quality, person-centred care and are prepared to challenge and speak up for nursing.

About the award

Open to all registered nurses and midwives working in a leadership role in the health, social care or the higher/further education sector. This award aims to recognise an exceptional leader who, by inspiring others, has made a significant difference to service delivery and quality of care. 

Who can be nominated?

Registered nurses and midwives who are in a leadership role within health and care in Scotland.

Leadership award

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Anderson Strathern

Our finalists for this award are:

(in no particular order)


Derek Barron

Director of Care, Erskine

Described by colleagues as an invaluable champion of the role of nursing in care homes, Derek trained as a mental health nurse and worked in various roles across a 39-year career before becoming the Director of Care for Erskine, supporting veterans in Scotland, through three care homes and a Veterans Village. Derek’s passion for transforming nursing care is also evident through his other roles, on advisory and editorial boards and as a trustee for a hospice. Derek defines his leadership style as approachable, not afraid to stand up for what’s right and not afraid of staff who know more than him. Derek’s commitment to ensuring staff within care homes are enabled to develop is demonstrated through his encouragement for, not only his own staff, but also those in other employers, to apply for the Queen's Nurse programme. Within Erskine, he has also enabled the development of Advanced Nurse Practitioner roles – Erskine is the only care home in the UK that directly employs advanced nurse practitioners. Derek’s leadership not only ensures resident’s wellbeing and but also works to reduce unnecessary hospital admissions and create a positive working environment for staff.

Derek Barron

Linda McAuslan

Lead Nurse Psychological Therapies / APTs Manager, Adult Psychological Therapies Service, NHS Forth Valley

Described by her colleagues as an exemplary leader, Linda’s leadership style is charged with positive focus and energy, whilst maintaining sensitivity to the team’s needs alongside her ‘uncanny ability to steady the ship’. Linda is Lead Nurse in the redevelopment of adult psychological therapies as well as  supporting and overseeing the implementation of the Transforming Psychological Trauma National Framework in NHS Forth Valley. Central to her leadership is raising the nursing voice and the voice of her service users. Linda’s commitment to staff development was highlighted in her work around protecting staff time to implement trauma enforced practice, as well as her advocacy for relationally focused nursing practice, always relating back to improving access for service users and their families. Her team have commended Linda on her commitment to wellbeing, especially through the pandemic, which led to reduced sickness absence and zero attrition from the team. Linda’s ethos of good mentorship is described as the bedrock of future succession planning, ensuring the team is fit for the future.

Linda McAuslan

Michelle Dalgarno

Lead Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre, East Dunbartonshire HSCP

Described by her colleagues as kind and courageous, with a background in District Nursing, Michelle completed the ANP pathway and was appointed as a District Nurse Advanced Nurse Practitioner in February 2021, the first post of its kind in her NHS board. Michelle’s commitment to research and evidence defines her leadership style, supporting transformation in her team and across the wider health and care locality team. Leading an anticipatory care planning (ACP) work stream she has introduced ACP champions across DN, Community Rehab, ANPs, Social Work, Care at Home, Care Homes and Older Peoples Mental Health services. Michelle acts as a role model, providing assessor and supervisor roles for DNs and student DNs. Michelle also leads a standardised approach to baseline assessment and clinical handovers which supports the early recognition of deterioration and triage. Michelle has implemented a multi-disciplinary team approach to increasing awareness around frailty, establishing and facilitating weekly MDT meetings. Michelle has also had a significant impact on GPs referrals. The unique contribution of her role is in undertaking a holistic nursing assessment alongside complex clinical assessment, diagnosis, treatment and care planning.

Michelle Dalgarno

If you have any questions or queries regarding the awards, please get in touch by emailing

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Anderson Strathern

About our sponsors:

Anderson Strathern’s legal specialists have represented RCN for more than 50 years. The firm’s service spans every area of the law, and for RCN, this has included regulatory law, personal injury law, employment law, criminal law, assistance with parliamentary and health policy law, and judicial review. Our relationship, and particularly their highly personalised approach, are second to none.

Page last updated - 17/05/2023