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Supporting Better Care

A Royal College of Nursing accredited training programme which is designed to build on the knowledge, skills and confidence of those who provide direct care to patients/clients in any care setting.

About the programme

Supporting Better Care aims to enhance your knowledge and practice and extend your competence and confidence in the delivery of direct care.

Who should attend this programme?

Supporting Better Care is suitable for those new to their role or experienced workers. No formal qualifications are required, but it is recommended that those attending are working in a care setting.

The programme is suitable for:

  • Health care support workers
  • Health care assistants
  • Nursing assistants
  • Nursing auxiliaries
  • Clinical support workers
  • Assistant practitioners
  • Care assistants
  • and many others
Throughout the programme, individual learning needs will be recognised and supported.

Learning outcomes

As a result of attending this programme, you will be able to:

  • develop an understanding of reflective practice and use it to reflect on the value of your role and the difference you make to patient/client care
  • understand your preferred learning style to inform your continuing development
  • have an increased understanding of your personal accountability in relation to health and social care
  • practise the values of dignity in care
  • have an increased understanding of the importance of nutrition and hydration identify issues relating to patient safety and infection control
  • have an increased awareness of sensory impairment in patient care
  • explain your role in the management of patients with diabetes
  • recognise the signs and symptoms of dementia and the importance of person-centred care in its management

As an employer or manager, Supporting Better Care will help you and your staff by:

  • increasing your staff’s knowledge, understanding and confidence in delivering care; and
  • investing in the personal development of employees, which can increase their job satisfaction

Find out more

To find out more about Supporting Better Care please contact:

Page last updated - 12/04/2023