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RCN UK Safety Representatives Committee

The RCN UK Safety Representatives Committee provides a voice for RCN accredited safety representatives and advises on the development of RCN policy on workplace health and safety issues. The Committee reports through the Trade Union Governance Group to RCN Council.

To contact your local Committee member please email Governance Support.

Eastern: Michael Oyeleye
East Midlands: Helen Inskip
London: Vacant
Northern: Vacant
Northern Ireland: Vacant
North West: Vacant
Scotland: Elspeth Caithness, Chair
South East: Chukwudubem Ifeajuna
South West: Beverley Jones
Wales: Helen Williams, Vice Chair
West Midlands:Florence Rugara
Yorkshire & the Humber: Kirsty Craven

>> Find out more about the role and remit of the RCN UK Safety Representatives Committee by reading the terms of reference.

RCN Council key meeting dates 2023

Find out when RCN Council, Boards and Committees are meeting in 2023.