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Complex conversations and decisions

Nursing across Independent Health and Social Care services

A significant - and growing - number of RCN members work across Independent Health and Social Care (IHSC) services.

Even if you provide NHS services – as a General Practice nurse for example – your pay, terms and conditions of employment will differ to those on NHS Agenda for Change contracts.

This page signposts you to some of our most popular and relevant resources.

The RCN – and all our services, benefits and support - is here for all our members, no matter who you are employed by or whereabouts in the UK you work.

You have the same 365-day-a-year access to our team of highly trained advisors, the same access to Europe’s largest nursing library, the same chance to attend any of our professional events. And the same opportunities to contribute to the RCN’s forums, networks, branches and committees.

RCN members vote to accept Four Seasons Health Care/brighterkind pay award

Almost three quarters of eligible members who voted chose to accept the offer. Read the full results here.

Independent Health and Social Care Sector strategy

We’ve developed a new strategy for best serving the needs of members working in the independent health and social care sector after RCN Council outlined it as a key priority.

Older man talking to nurse

Pay, terms and conditions in Independent Health and Social Care employers

Find information about fair pay, terms and conditions in the Independent Health and Social Care sector.

Smiling nurse with folder

Key resources

Key guidance

Advice guides - Our practical guides can help you resolve your workplace problems and more.

Clinical guidance - A range of clinical advice and support to help nurses and health care professionals

Subject guides - Information resources on nursing subjects selected by the Royal College of Nursing Library and Archive Service with input from RCN member communities.

Guidance for employers

Employment relations - The RCN works with a range of organisations and our members in providing high quality care to patients and clients.

Employment partnerships - Establishing a formal partnership with the RCN can benefit you and your employees as well as your patients or clients.

RCN Guide to Revalidation for Employers: Mitigating the Risks to Your Business - In this guidance, we aim to outline in practical terms how employers can support and encourage nurses who must revalidate.

Resources for staff in care homes

Care Home Journey - An online resource to support nursing care in older peoples care homes.

Complex conversations and decisions for care home leaders - A series of webinars a four webinars for leaders and managers of care home to support complex and sensitive conversations in nursing practice.

Join the Care Home Network - The Care Home Network provides RCN members with a supportive environment to share best practice, offer solutions and help improve care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 crisis.

Critical Care and Flight Nursing resources

Critical Care and Flight Nursing subject guide - A guide to critical care and flight nursing including books, reports and journal articles.

Critical Care and Flight Nursing Forum - A community for members working in critical care, flight nursing or medical assistance settings.

Introducing Critical Care - A learning programme providing the participant with resources to support an introduction to critical care for the nursing and midwifery workforce.

Free online learning resources

First Steps - A learning resource to support you either individually – or as part of your workplace induction programme – to learn in your own time, and get you started in your health care career.

End of Life Care and Nursing Wellbeing - A programme providing resources to support the delivery of end of life care to the dying person, their family and carers.

Skin Health Toolkit - An online toolkit that provides you with a set of learning resources to support you with maintaining healthy skin.

Requesting a pay rise

We've developed an editable Request a Pay Rise Template Letter for members to complete, as well as a simple one page RCN Short Pay Survey to complete as preparation before contacting your employer.

General practice nursing resources

General Practice Nursing subject guide - Information and resources related to general practice nursing including books, reports and journal articles.

Medicines management - Guidance and clinical support for nurses and other healthcare professionals on medicines matters in relation to prescribing and administration of medicines.

General Practice Nursing Forum - A forum specifically for RCN members working in the field of general practice.

Nursing in justice and forensic health care resources

Nursing in Justice and Forensic Health Care - Practice guidance and resources for nursing staff working in a justice and forensic setting.

Nursing in Justice and Forensic Health subject guide - A guide for for nurses, health care assistants and other health care practitioners who are working in, or want to work in, health care in Criminal Justice Services.

Nursing in Justice and Forensic Health Care Forum - A forum for members working in all places of nursing associated with the Justice system.

School nursing resources

School nursing - Resources and guidance for school nurses working with children and young people.

RCN Toolkit for School Nurses - A toolkit to support school nurses in developing their roles in practice, management and leadership to improve health outcomes for children and young people in the school environment. 

School Nursing community - The School Nursing community is a virtual network of individuals with an interest in this area of practice. It is part of the Children and Young People: Staying Healthy Forum

Independent Health and Social Care funding opportunities

Learning and development are an essential part of working in health and social care. Whilst many employers provide support and access to training there may be times when this is not available. This page provides a list of funding opportunities for training across the UK, open to health and care professionals. 

Our fight for fair pay in non-NHS settings

The RCN campaigns for all our members to receive fair pay, no matter what setting or sector they’re employed in. 
Nurses protesting fair pay at Westminster

We're here for you

If you're an RCN member and need help with any aspect of your employment, you can access advice online or contact us direct. We're here to help - wherever you work.


8 blog posts