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Nurses on picket line

Fair Pay for Nursing

Find out more about the Fair Pay for Nursing campaign and how you can get involved

The campaign

Nursing is the largest safety-critical profession in health care, playing a vital role in patient care.

Despite this, nursing remains understaffed and undervalued. After years of underinvestment, the government must act urgently to protect patient care by protecting the profession.  

You can make a difference

When politicians neglect nursing, they neglect patients. We need members and supporters to come together to achieve a safely staffed workforce. You can demand change today.

England strike ballot now open

Until 23 June, members employed on Agenda for Change contracts in the NHS in England have the chance to vote on strike action.

Ballot papers have been posted to members and must be returned by post using the pre-paid envelope before 23 June. Find out more in our FAQs.

The fight for fair pay

The Fair Pay for Nursing campaign is about:

  • recognising that salaries of nursing professionals has consistently fallen below inflation – a fact which is being exacerbated by the cost of living crisis - and must now rise significantly to reflect that. 
  • valuing the training, qualifications, skills, responsibilities and experience demonstrated every day by nursing staff. 
  • ensuring that nursing is seen as an attractive, rewarding profession to tackle the tens of thousands of unfilled nursing posts.
  • the campaign aims to secure a pay increase that is 5% above inflation (measured by RPI).

Governments’ response to this demand will indicate what they believe nursing staff who work outside of the NHS deserve too. We are clear that nursing staff deserve the same and fair pay no matter the setting or sector.

You can learn more about the history of the campaign and key milestones in our campaign timeline.

Funding our health and care system is a political choice. The government should make the right choice now.

Order campaign materials

Order and download workplace materials to help spread the word about the Fair Pay for Nursing campaign and patient safety.

Tell us your story

How are staffing levels and low pay affecting you right now? How is the cost-of-living crisis and the remnants of a global pandemic impacting your work and life? Capture your lived experience with our easy-to-use tool and help tell the true story of UK nursing. 

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Visit our Strike Hub

Stay up to date with new details about strike action, learn about strike benefit, donate to our strike fund and more.

Image of nurse standing on picket line holding placard

Your strength is in your numbers

Our fight for fair pay in non-NHS settings

The RCN campaigns for all our members to receive fair pay, no matter what setting or sector they’re employed in. 
Nurses protesting fair pay at Westminster

Become a member of the RCN

Join the world's largest union and professional body for nursing.

Join online or call our membership team on 0345 772 6100.
nursing staff walking in corridor

Page last updated - 14/04/2023