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close-up of calculator and banknotes

Employment and Pay

We support nurses, HCAs and APs in the UK to ensure that employment conditions and pay are fair for all.

NHS pay 

Find more information about NHS pay for 2022-23

Coins and banknotes

Fair Pay For Nursing

Nursing is the largest safety-critical profession in health care, playing a vital role in patient care.

Despite this, nursing remains understaffed and undervalued. After years of underinvestment, the government must act urgently to protect patient care by protecting the profession.

Image of tired female nurse

Pay, terms and conditions in Independent Health and Social Care employers

Find information about fair pay, terms and conditions in the Independent Health and Social Care sector.

Smiling nurse with folder

Industrial Action Handbook

This guide for members aims to explain what industrial action involves, how it is initiated and organised, and how you can safely participate.

Nurses holding placards at a demonstration

Raising concerns

What to do if you see poor care or feel you are being prevented from providing safe, compassionate care.

Health and safety

Read about how we campaign for improvements to members working environments.
