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Briefing on the Trust Special Administrator’s draft report for South London Healthcare Trust and the NHS in South East London

07 November 2012
Short briefing on the proposals from the Trust Special Administrator. 

The RCN is supporting our members who will be affected through our London regional office, and we are also closely following the application of the unsustainable regime as more Trusts could fail in the future given the tough environment in the NHS and the economy more generally.

The RCN is always concerned about the impact on quality of care when there are proposals to cut staff and/or dilute skill mix given what the evidence tells us when such cuts or dilutions go too far.

Given the proposals to move location of some services we’ll also be keen to ensure that patients are still able to access services within reasonable travel times and that changes are clearly driven by the need to deliver safe, effective and high quality care and not just driven by financial concerns.

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Page last updated - 04/09/2015