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Join the RCN Counselling Service's network of practitioners

The RCN provides telephone counselling to its members through our Brief Therapy Service. If you are interested in providing sessional work to RCN members then please check that you fulfil the minimum professional criteria below prior to contacting us for more information.

Minimum criteria:

  • Accredited professional and current membership by a professional regulating body (BACP, UKCP, BABCP, NCS Accredited Professional* etc.)
  • Experience of telephone counselling
  • In depth experience of Brief Therapy
  • Liability insurance of minimum £5 million
  • Enhanced criminal records check required**

*if you are a member of NCS then you would need to be an Accredited Professional Registrant (MNCS Prof Accred)

**Advanced Criminal records check: either provide a copy of a certificate which was carried out within the last 12 months, or consent to the RCN Counselling Service to carry out an advanced check if no recent certificate is available

Fees Payable

  • £30 per hour per counselling session
  • £20 per DNA (did not attend) and LNC (late notice cancellation - less than 24hr notice)

Affiliate counsellor bears the cost of the session phone calls made to clients

Contact us

If you fulfil the minimum criteria above and are interested in joining the network, then please contact us on for more information