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Advice and guidance on changes to your benefits, and your rights to dispute a decision

There may be circumstances when your benefit entitlement changes or stops. This could be due to a new benefit decision, a change in law, because your circumstances have changed, or an official error. 

The RCN's Welfare Service is here to help you understand decisions about your benefits, and offer advice if you need to challenge them.

Challenging benefits

Challenging a benefits decision

If you don't agree with a decision made about your benefits, find out how you can challenge it.

RCN Welfare Understanding benefits

Universal Credit

Read more about how your benefit is being affected by the assessment of your earnings, and what you can do about it.

Appealing benefits

Appealing a benefits decision

If your Mandatory Reconsideration is refused, you can appeal to a tribunal if you think the decision is unfair or incorrect.

Challenging benefits

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Guidance on Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit including when to claim.