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RCN Agenda Committee election

Election complete

The results of the election have been published.


Fifteen candidates were verified as being eligible to compete in the RCN Agenda Committee election:

  • Ruth Bailey
  • Charity Chakanetsa
  • Maggii Chong-Kwan
  • Linda Du Preez
  • Josie Gordon
  • Sue Hill
  • Vicky Keir
  • Jane Matthews
  • Stuart Quarterman
  • Claire Richardson
  • Andy Roy
  • Katharine Whayman
  • Rhian Wheater
  • Colleen White-O'Hare

You can find out more about these candidates in this brochure.

Voting took place 8am-6pm on Wednesday 17 May at RCN Congress.

How voting works

The system for voting in this election is called Single Transferrable Vote (STV).

All voting members registered to vote on the morning of 17 May were eligible to vote.

Voters ranked the candidates in order of preference (1 to 15 in this instance) – you don’t have to rank all the candidates but it is better to do so as your vote will then count at all stages of the counting.

Once voting has taken place, staff from Civica (the independent scrutineers), count the votes and members are elected according to the preferences expressed by the voters.

In simple terms those who are ranked highest by the greatest number of voters will be elected.

If you want a more detailed explanation please ask the staff from Civica.

More information about this election

The term of office for these seats is for two years concluding at the end of RCN Congress in 2025.

The election took place at RCN Congress 2023 in Brighton. Nominations closed at 2pm on Tuesday 16 May 2023, followed by a hustings event at 5pm. Voting took place the following day, opening at 8am and closing at 6pm. The result were announced on the final day of Congress.

To find out how this election works please read this election procedure.

Further information

Members of the Agenda Committee play a vital role in supporting members at RCN Congress

Ahead of Congress, the Committee meets to consider agenda item submissions from branches, forums and our representative committees. The final agenda helps shape the future work of RCN Council, and brings nursing and health issues to the attention of the public across the UK and beyond. Agenda Committee members also take part in the wider planning of Congress, contributing to nursing's most exciting and influential week. 

During Congress itself, the Committee meets twice daily to consider emergency agenda items and acts as the link between delegates and the Congress chair and vice chair.

An integral part of living our commitment to equality and inclusion means that all RCN elected roles should reflect the diversity of our membership and the communities they serve including those who identify as women, members from the Global Majority, LGBTQ+ community and those with a disability, as well as from members working for either the NHS or for independent health and social care employers. Nominations are welcomed and encouraged from everyone who meets the eligibility criteria.

The RCN strives to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by its members and applies the Nolan principles of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership as the foundation of all work, behaviour and decision-making.

We endeavour to create a safe environment for our staff and members and the expectations of the RCN’s Respect Charter and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement when holding such a position. Members will be offered ongoing learning and development.

For more information about the election process, including the eligibility criteria and timeline, please read this election procedure.

To find out more about the qualities we are looking for in committee members, please read this role descriptor. You may also wish to read the RCN Agenda Committee’s terms of reference

If you have any queries on the nominations or ballot process of this election, please contact Civica Election Services Ltd., the Independent Scrutineer and Returning Officer, at or on 0208 889 9203.

For all other queries about this election or for more information about the role, email or call 020 7841 3344.

18 May Results announced