Commissioning arrangements + Community Children's Nursing (CCN) Services × + Individualised Care Packages × + Independent provision ×
Community service provision + Case studies × + Models of care × + Interdependency with other nursing domains × + Service development × + × + Acceptance (referral) × + Discharge criteria ×
Disability and complex health care needs + Case studies × + Continuing care × + Direct payments × + Personal health budgets × + Assessment ×
Life limiting / life threatened / palliative and end of life care + Models of care × + Palliative care × + Terminology × + Skills and competencies ×
Meeting health care needs + Risk assessment × + × + The NMC Code × + Education and training × + Information governance / sharing between agencies × + Assessment of competency and ongoing arrangements for monitoring × + Healthcare plans ×
Professional issues + Accountability × + Delegation × + Duty of candour × + Continuing professional development × + Skill development × + Revalidation × + SPQ ×