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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 31 Mar 2023

    RCN safety reps: Role descriptor A4 leaflet

    Publication Code : 010 861

    This A4 role descriptor leaflet outlines the role undertaken by RCN safety reps.

  • 30 Mar 2023

    Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

    Publication Code : 010 774

    A report outlining the statistics of the gender pay gap at the Royal College of Nursing, 2022.

  • 24 Mar 2023

    NHS Pay offer in England vote poster

    Publication Code : 010 853

    A4 poster with details of the NHS pay offer vote in England and web links.

  • 22 Feb 2023

    Impact of Staffing Levels on Safe and Effective Patient Care

    Publication Code : 010 665

    This evidence review was commissioned to support policy influencing and to point RCN staff and members towards the latest evidence on staffing for safe and effective care. A previous evidence review was completed to support the RCN’s Staffing for Safe and Effective Care (2019) report, with this current evidence review bringing that up to date.

  • 22 Feb 2023

    UK Career Framework for Pain Nurses

    Publication Code : 010 750

    Pain is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that does not discriminate and can affect anyone at any stage in their life time. The UK Career Framework for Pain Nurses was produced by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Pain and Palliative Care Forum with nursing representatives from across the United Kingdom. This updated resource now highlights the range of career pathways within pain nursing and minimum recommended education requirements, in addition to knowledge and skills. It provides a guide for pain services and employers to develop local career development frameworks for the nursing workforce.

  • 13 Feb 2023

    Valuing Nursing in the UK

    Publication Code : 010 695

    Despite public support for the nursing profession, governments across the UK are failing to value and support nursing staff. Nursing staff feel undervalued and unsafe, causing an alarming number to leave the profession altogether. This report presents a range of factors which impact retention, as well as recommendations for action to bring widespread benefits for the workforce, and for safe and effective care.

  • 16 Jan 2023

    Industrial Action by Other Unions: advice for RCN members

    Publication Code : 010 697

    This publication outlines what approach RCN members should take relating to their own contract of employment, while ensuring they do not undermine the lawful industrial action taken by other trade union colleagues.

  • 10 Jan 2023

    Sharps safety

    Publication Code : 010 596

    Sharps are commonly used in the delivery of health and care and can be found in all care settings. Sharps, whilst necessary can result in harm to the user with a risk of infection if an injury is sustained after use on a patient/person. This guide has been developed primarily for RCN safety representatives, but other members of the nursing or midwifery team with a role in infection prevention and control (IPC), who support the management of sharps injuries may also find it a useful reference.

  • 9 Jan 2023

    RCN Register of Interests 2023

    The purpose of this register is for members of RCN Council, Committees, Boards, external advisers and senior RCN staff to declare their interests outside of the RCN. We do this because they have a duty to act impartially and objectively, and to take steps to avoid any conflict of interest arising as a result of their membership of, or association with, other organisations or individuals.

  • 9 Jan 2023

    Clinical Nurse Specialists in Early Pregnancy Care Consensus Statement

    Publication Code : 010 625

    This publication details further work following the impact assessment and subsequent report of the RCN’s Clinical Nurse Specialists in Early Pregnancy Care Standards in 2021. To address recommendations from that report, the project team worked with key stakeholders to clarify the way forward, ensuring the standards are fit for purpose and supporting implementation of the standards.