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RCN 2016 research conference

6-8 April 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland

The RCN is committed to growing the nursing knowledge base by proactively collecting, storing and preserving physical and digital content. With this in mind, we ask all presenters at the RCN annual international nursing research conference if they are willing to have their presentations uploaded onto the conference repository website. Below you can access a PDF of these presentations, as well as videos of the keynote presentations. 

Nursing @ the Extremes: Navigating the Emotions of Care

Pam Smith

Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Gary Rolfe

Emeritus Professor, Swansea University

More poetry is needed: values, scholarship and nursing research

Applying for and conducting a large EU research grant: the case of RN4CAST

Walter Sermeus

Professor, Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy KU

Poster presentations

Poster 4. Can nurses play a role in screening for autism in non-English speaking countries? Turkiya Al Maskari, Craig Melville and Diane Willis

Poster 5. Why do patients seek unplanned follow up after treatment in the emergency department. Rebecca Hoskins

Poster 13. A qualitative study of how nurses who care for a parent with dementia maintain a healthy work-life balance. Caroline Parr

Poster 14. Development of a new educational programme for Clinical Trial Assistants: Developing our workforce to meet the challenges of the future. Marie Nelson, Norma Diaper and Emma Munro

Poster 22. How commissioning affects community nursing. Susan Horrocks

Poster 27. How much is enough? Using Delphi to determine minimum clinical contact time to ensure military nurses are ready for contingency operations. G Kenward, CS Marshall, AM Charlton

Poster 28. Evaluation of a triage intervention for Ambulance Service patients with mental health problems. Andy Irving, Rachel O'Hara, Maxine Johnson, Angela Harris, Kieran Baker

Poster 35. The impacts of a health education programme on primary school teachers' knowledge of, and attitudes towards, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) in children in Saudi Arabia. Buthaina Aljehany, Tony Long, Danny Meetoo

Poster 37. The sound mind warrior study. Using sound technology to affect cardiovascular stress response. MeLisa Gantt

Poster 50. Speaking my patient's language: providing language concordant care to patients with limited English proficiency. Parveen Ali

Poster 52. Collaboration between clinical and university staff in the preparation of children's nursing students for their first practice placement. M Brady, J Price, R Bolland, G Finnerty

Poster 54. Undergraduate nursing students' experiences with stress in Nigeria. PE Samson-Akpan, ME John, OB Edet, VK Uka

Poster 55. Using text mining in a qualitative systematic review of digital health engagement and recruitment - how to search and prioritise large text datasets. Sonia Garcia Gonzalez-Moral, Steven Brewer, Siobhan O'Connor, Frances S Mair, Julie Glanville

Poster 56. Challenges of recruitment into Randomised Controlled Trial in Schizophrenia. Elwira Lubos

Poster 57. Not another questionnaire! Increasing return rates of postal surveys in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research studies. K Ward, C Wicks, HL Ford

Poster 58. A historical analysis of thirteen American Civil War nurses' autobiographies: history serving nursing identities. Ana Choperena-Armendariz

Poster 64. Understanding the patient experience of a Hospital Discharge Pathway. Nadia Bashir, Jan Gilbertson, Annette Haywood, Ellie Holding, Angela Tod

Poster 74. Nurses' perceptions of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) across the Agenda for Change bands. Claire Smith

Poster 75. Interdisciplinary learning. Jennifer Tocher, Lorraine Close, Barbara Findlay, Janette Jamieson, Kate Leech, Val MacDowell, Tonks Fawcett, Janet Skinner

Oral presentations

1.1.1 Working together: action research with service users to improve person centred care. Juliet MacArthur and Janet Corcoran

1.1.2 In search of improved pressure injury risk assessment for patients admitted to hospital: evaluation of a clinical-judgement-based tool. Lin Perry, Emine Tetik, Kay Maddison, Kathryne Hoban, Fiona Bampi

1.2.1 Dementia in the workplace: exploring the employment-related experiences of people with dementia, their families and employers. Louise Ritchie, Debbie Tolson, Mike Danson

1.2.2 Psychiatry is a risk business. The construction of Mental Health service users as risk objects. Anne Felton

1.3.2 Does an adapted cardiac rehabilitation programme delivered in a hospice for patients with Advanced Chronic Heart Failure have an effect on quality of life? Helen Walthall, Bee Wee, Mary Boulton

1.4.1 "My brush with prostate cancer": The lived experience of surviving at least five years after a diagnosis of prostate cancer received at or after the age of sixty-five. Natalie Doyle

1.4.2 Shared decision-making about treatment for colorectal cancer: The perspective of older patients. Jaqualyn Moore, Karen Gillett, Harriet Watson, Claire McGilly, Cath Taylor

1.4.3 Venous access: the voice of the patient lived experience. Melissa Robinson-Reilly, Penny Paliadelis, Mary Cruickshank

1.5.1 The Toxic Vortex: the lived experience of frustration in nursing practice. John McKinnon

1.5.2 Street Level Bureaucracy and the Selection of Candidates for Nursing. Findings from a Doctoral Study. Jane Welby, Anita Sargeant, Chris Dearnley

1.5.3 Service User Involvement and compassionate emotional work: The experience and meaning of this for mental health learners. Janet Wood

1.6.1 Comparison of the expressed experiences of survivors of childhood medulloblastoma with issues identified in consultations. Tony Long

1.6.2 Discharge and risk assessment from an acute medicine unit: A scoping review. Liz Deutsch (nee Lees)

1.6.3 Multi-professional educational sessions for Health Visitors caring for children with complex needs: evaluating contexts, mechanisms and outcomes. Alison Steven, Val Larkin

1.7.1 Values based recruitment: Developing a programme theory for a realist evaluation. Carl Thompson, Karen Spilsbury, Karen Bloor, Russell Mannion, Angela Simpson, Carole Wright, Liz Newbronner, Dorothy McCaughan, Veronica Dale

1.7.3 Improving nurses' responses to intimate partner violence: Development of a theory of change model. Caroline Bradbury-Jones, Maria Clark, Jayne Parry, Julie Taylor

1.8.2 Subjective wellbeing in UK mental health nurses: findings from a mixed methods research study. Jennifer Oates

1.8.3 Health locus of control and psychosocial well-being in cancer outpatients. Elísabet Hjörleifsdóttir, Dóra B. Jóhannsdóttir

1.9.1 The challenges of non-specialist nurses providing palliative end-of-life care to patients and their significant others: a metasynthesis. Hrønn Thorn, Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt

1.9.2 What is the value of attendance at palliative day care? A mixed systematic review. George Kernohan

2.1.1 Supporting students with mental health problems: exploring the tutor-student relationship through autoethnography. Lyn Gardner

2.1.2 Enabling carers to administer intramuscular depot injections within mental health: an action research study. John Crowley

2.2.2 The role of coping skills in the pyschosocial adaptation to Parkinson's Disease in patients and family carers: the qualitative perspective in a mixed-methods study. Victoria Navarta Sanchez, Neus Caparros, M Eugenia Ursua, Sara Diaz de Cerio, Mario Riverol, Mari Carmen Portillo

2.2.3 Women's experiences of low back and/or pelvic pain (LBPP) during pregnancy. Ciara Close

2.4.3 'Failing to fail' - a systematic review of where we are now. Kathleen Duffy

2.5.1 What is the current quality of end of life care for those who die at home? A study to explore the views and experiencesof bereaved relatives and carers. Carolyn Lees

2.5.2 Development and testing of a nurse-led oral fluid intake risk and response tool for older inpatients. Lloyd Oates, Vicky Riddell, Judy Plank, Chris Price

2.5.3 Information sharing and knowledge exchange with respite care services for older adults. Linda McSwiggan, Judity Marston, Martin Campbell, Tim Kelly, Thilo Kroll

2.6.1 Understanding the registered nursing workforce in care homes. Karen Spilsbury, Barbara Hanratty, Dorothy McCaughan

2.6.3 From Assistant to Registered Nurse: a UK mixed methods study which explored the transition. Victoria Arrowsmith, Ian Norman, Jill Maben, Margaret Lau Walker

2.7.1 Methodological issues associated with population health nursing research. Jacqueline Fawcett

2.7.2 Top ten research priorities relating to stroke nursing: a rigorous approach to establish a national nurse-led research agenda. Anne Rowat, Alex Pollock, Bridget St George, Jo Booth, Maggie Lawrence

2.7.3 Gatekeeping: a typology and screening tool. Austyn Snowden, Jenny Young

2.8.1 Care experience prior to entry into undergraduate nursing degrees: the recommendation, rhetoric and reality. Sarah Field-Richards, Helen Spiby, Patrick Callaghan, Sarah Redsell, Sharon Andrew, Phillip Keeley, Joanne Lymn

2.8.2 The psycho social environment in the clinical learning areas in Johannesburg: a student nurse perspective. Sue Armstrong

2.9.1 Barriers to physical activity amongst obese adults: a systematic literature review. Toni McIntosh, David Hunter, Sue Royce

2.9.2 Student placement enhancement project. G williams, J Cooper, M Cooke, J Griffiths 

3.1.1 Italian nurses' driving force to influence health policy. A Stievano, D Affonso, L Sabatino, G Rocco

3.1.2 The Emergency Nurse Practitioner role - thirty years on: a pilot study. Sue Bagley

3.2.1 How do young adults (19-24yrs) living with cancer experience supportive care? Louise Soanes

3.2.2 Parents' perceptions of flu illness and their decision-making processes regarding the nasal flu vaccine. Phoebe Moulsdale

3.3.1 Epidemiology, incidence and mortality rate of renal failure patients in the northern region of Oman: cross-sectional study results. Ruqiya Al-Za'abi

3.4.1 Acceptance of mobile learning by German nurses in elderly care. Mathilde Hackmann, Katharina Buske, Birgitt Holdke

3.4.2 Weaving the patient and carer voice into E-resources to shape values based recruitment. Arinola Adefila, Patricia Bluteau, Yvette Brown

3.5.1 The lived experience of newly-qualified nurses in the delivery of patient education in an acute care setting. Karen Fawkes, Jaqualyn Moore

3.6.1 Academic and research leadership: a longitudinal study of the nursing and midwifery professoriate (2003 - 2015). Dave O'Carroll

3.6.2 An analysis of nursing impact case studies in REF 2014. Daniel Kelly, Bridie Kent, Ann McMahon, Julie Taylor, Michael Traynor

3.7.2 Workforce implications and staff and patient experiences of 100% in patient single rooms accommodation. Jill Maben

3.8.1 'Just another knee': perceptions of treatment decision making and self-management for working age people with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Karen Gillett, Lindsay Bearne, James Galloway, Heidi Lempp

3.8.2 The liminal self in people with Multiple Sclerosis: an interpretive phenomenological exploration of the experience of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Karen Strickland, A Worth, C Kennedy

4.2.1 The unique knowing Of District Nurses in practice. Heather Bain

4.2.2 Help Me Breathe! An investigation into the decision making processes of Health Care Support Workers compared to Registered Nurses caring for home ventilated children. Toby Aslam Mohammed

4.3.1 Nursing skill mix in Primary Care. Leonie Walker, Jill Clendon, Kathy Nelson

4.3.2 Food for Thought. Enhancing dietary preferences for the person with advanced dementia. Hazel McWhinnie, Margaret Brown

4.6.1 Identifying palliative and end of life research priorities in Ireland: an innovative approach. Sonja McIlfatrick

4.6.2 The human papillomavirus and HPV vaccine: accounts from young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups in Scotland aged 16-26 years. Elaine Carnegie, Anne Whittaker, Carol Gray-Brunton, Catriona Kennedy, Rhona Hogg, Janette Pow, Kevin Pollock, Shona Hilton, Seeramanie Hardy, Diane Willis, Nahida Hanif

4.7.2 The immediate and long-term impact of high-dose chemotherapy on women with gestational-trophoblastic neoplasia. Clare Warnock, Kam Singh, Jane Ireson

4.9.1 Saying No: A biographical analysis of why women with a genetic predisposition to developing breast/ovarian cancer reject risk reducing surgery. Doreen Molloy, Joyce Hendricks, Anne Williams

4.9.2 Advance care planning: the experience of frail older people receiving care from community matrons. Julie Skilbeck, Antony Arthur, Jane Seymour

5.2.1 A qualitative study of knowledge sharing at the inpatient-community care transition point in mental health. Nicola Wright, Emma Rowley, Justin Waring, Arun Chopra, Kyri Gregoriou

5.2.3 The role of expert cardiac rehabilitation staff in detecting adverse indicators and creating a post-discharge safety net. Lis Neubeck, Sue Randall, Stella Lin, Janice Smith, Alexander M. Clark, Robyn Gallagher

5.3.1 Discharge to care home: one person, one big decision, lots of different views! Sarah Rhynas, Azucena Garcia Garrido, Juliet MacArthur

5.3.3 Barriers to ocular tissue donation in acute clinical settings. Maria Prous, Maria Ponto

5.4.1 Validation of Macmillan’s electronic Holistic Needs Assessment (eHNA). Austyn Snowden, Mick Fleming

5.4.2 The impact of holistic needs assessment in outpatient care: a Randomised Control Trial. Jenny Young, Austyn Snowden

5.4.3 Evidence Based Practice among nurses in Slovenian hospitals: a national survey. Brigita Skela-Savič

5.5.1 Management of poor nursing performance: exploring Ward Sister/Charge Nurses' experience and decision making process. Sonia Nelson, Felicity Hasson, Paul Slater

5.5.2 "Swimming Upstream": Nurse manager role stressors and coping strategies in Western Canada. Sonia Udod, Greta Cummings, W. Dean Care

5.5.3 Stepping in, stepping out, stepping up. Evaluating the ward sister supervisory role. Kate Seers, Linda Watterson, Lynne Currie

5.6.1 Severe mental illness and Type 2 diabetes: What are the challenges for mental health service users and healthcare professionals? Frédérique Lamontagne-Godwin

5.6.2 Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers experiences of enhanced observations and impact on their health and wellbeing. Mary Addo, Audrey I. Stephen, Jennifer Gibb

5.7.3 Exploring experiences of tinnitus: implications for nursing practice. Gill Truscott, Debbie Roberts, Stuart Cunningham, Sara Wheeler

5.8.1 Evaluating resilience: a worksite intervention in police. Sandra L. Ramey

5.8.2 Positive about continence care. Rona Agnew

5.8.3 Development of vascular complications in young people with Type 1 diabetes: a continuing story. Lin Perry, Janet Dunbabin, Robyn Gallagher, Julia Lowe, Steven James, Kate Steinbecke

5.9.1 Selecting the right candidates with the right values for nursing. Jane Welby, Anita Sargeant, Chris Dearnley

5.9.2 Experiences of breathlessness in chronic heart failure: patients perspective. Helen Walthall, Crispin Jenkinson, Mary Boulton

5.9.3 Student nurse perceptions of the delivered curriculum within 21st century nursing education. Nicola Morrell-Scott

6.1.1 Images and words: the lived experience of young people with Type 1 diabetes. Ainsley James

6.1.2 Transition from active to palliative care in children with cancer: insights from a qualitative study of one unit. Daniel Kelly, Rachel McAndrew, Mia Nelson, Pam Smith

6.3.1 Political representation for social justice in nursing: lessons learned from participant research with destitute asylum seekers in the UK. Fiona Cuthill

6.3.2 Making sense of the unbelievable: a biographical narrative study of men who experienced Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) from their female partners. Melissa Corbally

6.4.1 Utilisation of insecticide treated nets among women in rural Nigeria: stories, themes and performance. Anastesia Nzute

6.4.2 Older cancer patients interaction with staff during surgical hospital treatment for colon cancer. Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt, Mette Terp Hoybye

6.5.2 Relatives' attitudes, experiences and satisfaction with end-of-life and follow-up care in acute hospital setting in Iceland. Elisabet Hjorleifsdottir, Svala B. Robertson

6.6.2 Specialist nurses' perceptions of barriers and facilitators to inviting patients to participate in clinical research: a qualitative descriptive study. Caroline French

6.7.1 Psychometric properties of two self-report clinical competence scales for nursing students. Deborah Coleman, Kevin Gormley, Janice Christie

6.7.2 Using nurses to forge a way to early detection of skin cancer. Clare Harvey, Rachel Forrest, Colin Beauchamp, Maria Pearson, Thomas Harding, Chris Lowings

6.8.2 Fit for the future? The health and health behaviours of the nursing and midwifery workforce. Lin Perry, Christine Duffield, Robyn Gallagher, David Sibbritt, Rachel Nicholls

7.1.2 Building a research culture: experiences of novice researchers in South Africa. Sue Armstrong, Gisela van Rensburg, Nelouise Geyer

7.2.2 Conceptual frameworks in nursing doctoral research. Stewart Piper

7.3.2 Impact of a dementia friendly ward environment on care nurses provide for patients: A qualitative study. Jo Brooke

7.4.1 The mental health and wellbeing of first generation migrants: a systematic narrative review of reviews. Ciara Close

7.5.1 Mouths in care homes: what's going on in there? C Cronin, P Cannell

7.5.2 Knowledge of palliative care staff about quality of life assessment in palliative care: a descriptive study. Gianluca Catania, Fiona Timmins, Annamaria Bagnasco, Giuseppe Aleo, Milko Zanini, Silvia La Placa, Loredana Sasso

7.6.1 Voices from the silence. A qualitative study giving voice to adults with intellectual disabilities and experience of mental health needs. Paul Sutton

7.7.1 Using dyadic data analysis: the challenges and opportunities to improve patient and family-caregiver outcomes in cardiovascular disease (CVD). Patricia Thomson, Kate Howie

7.8.1 Help, hindrance or indifference? The impact of care experience prior to commencing nurse training, on caring and compassionate practice. Joanne Lymn, Sarah Field-Richards

7.8.2 The craft of academic life: a challenge for early career nurse academics. Liz Halcomb, Kath Peters, Debra Jackson

Symposia presentations

S1 Speaking truth to power: understanding how concerns and complaints impact from ward to board. Symposium lead: Aled Jones (papers 2 and 3)

S3 A multi-methods evaluation of a locally augmented version of Releasing Time to Care, The Productive Ward. Symposium lead: Carina Hibberd (paper 1)

S4 Research on culture: promoting individuality at the bedside. Symposium lead: Carol Haigh (papers 1-3)

S5 Can research change practice where policy has failed: transition from child to adult centred services. Symposium lead: Faith Gibson (paper 2)

S6 Improving the delivery of health care through clinical academic collaboration: the Glasgow model. Symposium lead: Susan Kerr (papers 1-3)