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Our fight for fair pay in non-NHS settings

The RCN campaigns for all our members to receive fair pay, no matter what setting or sector they’re employed in. 

With the salaries of nursing professionals consistently falling below inflation, and the cost of living crisis only adding to the strain, significant pay rises are long overdue across the health and care system.

We’ve been balloting members and negotiating on their behalf with a range of Independent Health and Social Care (IHSC) employers, alongside our campaign on NHS pay. These include Marie Curie, Manx Care and the States of Guernsey. 

RCN members vote to accept Four Seasons Health Care/brighterkind pay award

Almost three quarters of eligible members who voted chose to accept the offer. Read the full results here.

Demanding better pay for all: A timeline

July 2021

RCN members in Jersey were balloted on the States of Jersey’s pay offer. 51.24% of respondents voted to reject the offer.

November 2021

RCN members at Marie Curie voted 60-40 to reject an offer from their employer over their pay and terms and conditions. The offer would have seen members’ basic pay aligned with the NHS, while other terms and conditions such as unsocial hours enhancements were set at a lower level than in the NHS.

January 2022

The RCN surveyed members employed by Four Seasons Healthcare, brighterkind, Huntercombe and CareTech Coveberry to gather information to prepare 2022 pay claims for members working for these employers.

April 2022

Sue Ryder consulted with employees over proposals to introduce new pay scales and to harmonise unsocial hours and overtime rates. The RCN conducted a survey of affected members to inform our consultation response. Our survey found that most members were dissatisfied with the proposals. The employer went ahead with introducing most of the changes but made some improvements to their proposals based on the RCN survey findings.

May 2022

The RCN conducted a survey of members employed by Care Quality Commission to gather evidence for a 2022 pay claim.

June 2022

RCN members employed by Four Seasons Health Care, including those employed by brighterkind, voted in a consultative ballot to reject a pay offer worth an average of 4%. Following negotiations to attempt to improve this offer, it was subsequently imposed by the employer. 

June 2022

RCN members employed by The Huntercombe Group voted in a consultative ballot to reject a pay offer of 2% for care support workers and 3% for nurses.

June 2022

RCN members employed by CareTech Coveberry voted in a consultative ballot to accept a pay offer worth an average of 6.1%. 

July 2022

RCN members employed by Marie Curie voted 52 to 48 to reject the employer’s latest offer in a consultative ballot. The employer’s offer for most members would have met the RCN ask of aligning pay and most terms and conditions with NHS Agenda for Change, however the employer also wanted to reduce members’ sick pay entitlement in return. 

July 2022

The RCN, together with the three other unions recognised by Care Quality Commission (CQC), submitted a joint pay claim on behalf of all CQC employees seeking a 2022 pay uplift of 5% above inflation.  

July 2022

RCN members on the Isle of Man took part in a ballot on the most recent pay offer by Manx Care, with 83.1% of respondents voting that the pay award was unacceptable. In an additional indicative question, 55.5% of respondents said that they would be willing to take industrial action.

August 2022

The RCN surveyed members employed by Marie Curie and resumed negotiations with the employer seeking to improve the offer members rejected in July.

September 2022

RCN members on Guernsey voted to reject the three year pay deal offered to them by The States. In a second question asking if they would be prepared to undertake industrial action and/or action short of strike – members also voted to say yes, they would.

January 2023

RCN members employed by Marie Curie voted in a consultative ballot on the employer's updated pay offer. The ballot ran from 15 December 2022 to 4 January 2023. 39.5% of eligible members took part in the ballot, with 60% of those members voting to reject the revised offer.

March 2023

RCN members employed by Care Quality Commission (CQC) voted in favour of both action short of strike and strike action. Members have given the RCN a mandate for both forms of industrial action at CQC.

April 2023

RCN members employed by Four Seasons Health Care/brighterkind voted in a consultative ballot on the employer's proposed 2023-24 pay offer. The ballot closed at midday on 27 April.

April 2023

RCN members employed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) began continuous industrial action short of strike on 17 April.

Support the campaign for NHS pay

The RCN has always called for pay parity between the NHS and every other setting. Even if you work for an independent employer, the government’s award to the NHS could still affect you, with many independent employers basing their pay scales on NHS structures, and any increase in NHS pay providing a useful reference point when negotiating for a raise.

Strike Hub

Visit our strike hub to stay up to date with new details about strike action, learn about strike benefit, donate to our strike fund and more.

Nursing across Independent Health and Social Care services

A collection of resources and guides for nursing staff working in the independent health and social care sector.
Older man talking to nurse

Pay, terms and conditions in Independent Health and Social Care employers

Advice on starting a conversation between nursing staff and employers about fair pay, terms and conditions
Smiling nurse with folder