The theme this year chosen by Mencap was friendship. This video of the adorable Lucinda on how to do the Makaton sign for friends got the week off to a great start as people with learning disabilities, their families, those that support them, and most importantly their friends shared messages about the importance of friendships, particularly during the current lockdown which is making many people feel isolated.
This week has also seen the launch of a new postcard promotion about Learning Disability Nursing. The initiative has been led by NHS England and features a wide variety of learning disability nurses sharing positive messages about the profession and encouraging others to take to the role.
If lockdown has meant you have now binge watched absolutely everything on Netflix, then here is a great new video series you can check out. Dr Ruth Oshikanlu, RCN Fellow, wanted to do something positive during lockdown so began a video interview series, interviewing nurses to demonstrate the diversity and the passion within the profession. By the end of Learning Disability Awareness Week there were five interviews with Learning Disability Nurses sharing their passion and experience, and stories of how they came into the profession. Inspirational viewing!
Finally, as Learning Disability Awareness Week began there was the launch of the second #keephoLDNgon video. This was a video put together during lockdown to show support and encouragement to student learning disability nurses, who have been worried about their studies and placements during lockdown. The video includes politician Sir Norman Lamb, actor Sally Phillips, performers and self-advocates with learning disabilities, and a wealth of learning disability nurses showing their support.
I hope that, even during the current pandemic and the restrictions that are required you have been able to take part in #LDWeek2020 and local activity that has been occurring to support this.