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Final days to return your strike ballot paper and ensure your voice is heard

Pat Cullen 27 Oct 2022 Chief Executive and General Secretary

RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Pat Cullen urges all eligible members who haven’t yet voted to do so before the strike ballot closes on 2 November.

Our strike ballot closes in less than a week, and I would like to thank every one of you who has taken the time to consider the options and cast your vote in this historic ballot.

If you are yet to return your ballot, please do so today - every single vote counts. Don’t leave it to the last minute as postal delays are expected.

This is our chance to send governments around the UK a loud and clear message that enough really is enough. Nursing has, for too long, been taken for granted, squeezed from every direction and placed under intolerable pressure to do much more with far less.

I have spoken to hundreds of RCN members around the UK in the last month, and one common thread is clear: you’re under pressure and you’re concerned for your patients and colleagues. What’s clear to me is the majority of nursing staff I talk to consider strike action a last, but absolutely necessary, resort to send a resounding message to governments that they must be supported to help deliver the patient care needed now, and in the future.

Members in Wales will have seen how the RCN Wales team has literally shone a light on the Fair Pay for Nursing campaign this week, with messages beamed onto public buildings around Cardiff and the Menai Bridge in North Wales.

In other significant news, our team in RCN Northern Ireland, alongside other organisations, signed an open letter calling on the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland to act on legislation to decriminalise abortion. The legislation was passed in 2019 and took effect in 2020, yet three years on, there is still a lack of vital abortion services in the region.

In Scotland, our strike ballot continues despite the Scottish government’s latest pay offer, which falls way short of our expectations and is real terms pay cut for most nursing staff. Your elected representatives are considering the offer in full and the next steps.

The public support for nurses going on strike across the UK, and receiving a fair pay rise, is heartening and should provide a strong impetus as we head into the last few days of the ballot. The public can see the devastating impact that nursing staff shortages are having on the care they and their families receive.

Since my last blog, there has been yet more upheaval at the centre of the UK government. Following the resignation of Liz Truss, we sent a clear message to the new Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, that you are being pushed to your limits, and patient care is suffering because of years of chronic understaffing. Also announced was a change to the Secretary of State for Health, now Steve Barclay, who held the position once before last summer. During his previous time in office, he was castigated outside a hospital by an incensed member of the public about ambulance waiting times. My message to him is clear: he must urgently activate every process available to him to improve nursing recruitment and retention through fair pay.

I am clear that we will not tolerate nursing being pushed down the priority list and we will continue to lobby for the investment, the long-term workforce planning and respect that you truly deserve.

Along with elected members and the executive team there is a real commitment to shaping the future of the College following the recent independent review into RCN culture conducted by Bruce Carr KC. I invite you to read more about how we will work to bring about the fundamental changes needed to help create an RCN fit for now and the future.

A reminder that an independent and confidential help and support line is once more available to any members and staff who have been affected by issues related to the Carr Review: 0800 783 1157. The line is open every day of the week, 24 hours a day, managed by the Validium Group, with strict policies and procedures to ensure confidentiality.

If you wish to report anything of concern you have experienced whilst engaged in RCN activities or events, or any information related to the content of the report you can still do so: 0800 028 2511. Calls are handled by in confidence by Safecall which specialises in safe reporting systems.

Members are also encouraged to contact Bruce Carr KC directly with further information at

During the next few months our focus will be on taking forward the recommendations set out in the Carr report and acting on your collective decision on pay.

Pat Cullen

Pat Cullen

General Secretary and Chief Executive

Pat has worked at the RCN since 2016. Before being appointed General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat was Director of RCN Northern Ireland from May 2019 to April 2021.

Page last updated - 27/03/2023