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My update to members

Dame Donna Kinnair 4 Sep 2020 Chief Executive and General Secretary

Dame Donna Kinnair welcomes the new RCN Chair of Council and updates members on next steps for the Presidential elections.

This week has been an important one for the RCN. 

Our Council have voted on and elected a new Chair and Vice Chair of Council, Dave Dawes and Carol Popplestone. I would like to offer my congratulations to Dave and Carol and I look forward to working with them both closely. 

This is an incredibly important time for the College, as we fight to secure safe staffing and fair pay, and together we will work for our members. 

One of the next actions for our Council will be to decide the timeline for the Presidential elections and to consider the implications for the deputy president elections.

We are also currently verifying a submission of a petition for an extraordinary general meeting. 

As your Chief Executive & General Secretary, I am open and resolute in my dedication to the RCN being a member-led professional organisation. 

A College as large as ours takes strength from its diversity of views and expertise. All our members deserve a respectful and collegiate debate about the future. I believe we must open-up the dialogue even further, to hear from the widest possible range of voices.

It is a privilege to lead the Royal College of Nursing and I am proud to represent you throughout this COVID-19 pandemic. And I am proud to fight alongside you as we seek to secure fair pay for nursing, and staffing for safe and effective care.

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New Chair and Vice Chair of RCN Council announced
Dame Donna Kinnair updates members on RCN presidential elections

Dame Donna Kinnair

Dame Donna Kinnair

Chief Executive & General Secretary

Prior to her appointment as Acting Chief Executive & General Secretary, Dame Donna was Director of Nursing, Policy and Practice and worked with UK-wide RCN staff to drive and implement RCN professional nursing, policy and practice strategy.

Before joining the RCN, Donna held various roles, including Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust.
Donna advised the PM’s Commission on the future of Nursing and Midwifery in 2010 and served as nurse/child health assessor to the Victoria Climbié Inquiry.

Page last updated - 13/05/2021