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Nurses supporting the relaunched We Are Undefeatable Campaign

Jan Sinclair 25 Feb 2020

The importance of nurses involvement with this campaign can't be over emphasised as talking to patients about their physical activity levels should be embedded into their everyday conversations.
Those patients with long term health conditions can be the hardest to engage with so this campaign highlights in particular some of the ways in which healthcare professionals such as nurses and midwives can help support them.

Calling all nurses and midwives to engage in the next steps in the campaign 'We Are Undefeatable' .
Nurses and midwives are in a unique and fantastic position to support people to be more active and advise them on what exercise can do even if they are living with a long term condition (maybe add ‘the motivate to move resources can help people tailor their advice to patients needs?).
It is great to see so many nurses and midwives getting involved with the campaign 'We are Undefeatable' which is moving to the next phase. See here for more information and where to go to order resources as well as how to join the supporters hub which enables you to have access to more in depth information relating to the campaign.
See the case studies and stories of how the campaign has made an incredible impact to people living with some of the long term conditions and who nurses have contact with daily in their clinical practice, such as those who have had a stroke, heart surgery and lung conditions.
Watch this space for more information to come in the summer.

Also see the RCN physical activity resource; 'motivate to move' and the 'physical activity and lifestyle toolkit'. These support nursing and midwifery staff to help people become more active at different stages of life and when they are also managing a range of different conditions.
Jan Sinclair

Jan Sinclair

RCN Public Health Forum member

Senior Healthcare Public Health Nurse/ PHE Lead Nurse Physical Activity Clinical Champion

NHS Trust lead for patient healthy lifestyle including physical activity which focuses on patient assessment, brief advice and signposting to appropriate services.

PHE role delivers Physical Activity presentation to healthcare professionals and supports nurse champions in England as well as identifying sustainable methods of programme continuation.

Page last updated - 10/12/2020