Brighton and Hove virtual branch meeting
10 Jun 2020, 20:00 - 21:00
Choose event information:
You are invited to a virtual Branch meeting - what better way to get to know your branch team and see what we do at a local level. If you've never been able to get to a meeting before, this online opportunity will be the perfect chance.
To join the Zoom Meeting, follow this link:
Meeting ID: 746 1430 7003
Password: 3G3d5j
Chairing online meetings is quite different to a face-to-face meeting! When participating, please keep your microphone off, and raise your hand when you would like to contribute. I will then ensure that we all get a chance to speak.
We have scheduled this meeting to take place during what should have been the RCN Congress, an important week for nurses to meet, reflect, plan and develop their practice. If you would like to suggest an item for the agenda, please let us know. We are keen to understand your experiences of working in care homes, in the community and in redeployed roles. We have invited our regional officers, to help us answer any questions you may have.
Come and tell us what is important to you!
Brighton and Hove Branch team
Meeting is via Zoom - please see link.
Page last updated - 31/10/2020