Retired members network meeting
12 Mar 2020, 11:00 - 13:30
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This is a free event for retired members.
Please do join us at this free event for retired members in the region. It will be a great opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from across the nursing family, make new friends, develop new contacts and get involved with the RCN.Help us to plan, shape and develop future regional events as well as getting involved as much or as little as you'd like in our latest projects and campaigns. Use your life-long experience and knowledge to help make a difference for nursing and nurses locally and regionally.
For any queries about this event please contact the regional office.
Regional email:
RCN Yorkshire and the Humber
2nd floor, 9 Bond Court
The office is on the second floor (there is a lift available) and is a short walk from the main Leeds train station.
Page last updated - 26/07/2020